Friday, November 28, 2008
We took Witt to the pediatrician this morning and he appears to be doing great. Dr. Holsinger said he definitely has a cold but Witt's lungs are clear. She said that babies color can change when one of their systems is really respiratory. His color is really good now and he gained another 5oz from last week! She said Mel and Austan are watching for all the right things. There are so many things I could list that I am thankful for. Certainly through Witt's life God has edited my list! I thank God that not just Witt's but all our lives are in His hands. I thank God for all of you who have and continue to journey with us on this walk. Today I am especially grateful for pediatricians who work on the day after Thanksgiving! Blessed Thanksgiving Holidays to all of you
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Dear Witt,
What a handsome one month old you are! As I look at you in your "1" hat the emotions flow through me.
You see it wasn't that many days ago we were preparing to celebrate your 1 week birthday. We all wanted it to be special. The doctors had said you might not live until your "1st birthday" but you had already taught us the importance of celebrating each day, so there was no time like the present to celebrate you! So as you turned 1 week old we rejoiced at your "1st birthday" together! We were thankful for that milestone and earnestly praying for more "birthdays" too.
The day of the celebration I couldn't stop thinking how precious you would look in a birthday hat. It just seemed like a necessity for the birthday boy. The second store I went into that day I spotted a baby blue party hat. It was the only one on the shelf. It was smaller than most party hats, but I thought it looked just right. It didn't say "1 year old" but a simple "1." It was perfect, it was just for you.
I walked to the checkout ready to make the purchase. The cashier was a kind, older man. He was in no hurry to finish the transaction. As he carefully wrapped your hat in tissue he asked if my baby was turning 1. I didn't know quite how to answer. I sheepishly told him it wasn't for the baby I was holding, my daughter. I informed him I was buying it instead for her cousin, you. The kind man made some comment about how wonderful it would be for you and Adelaide to grow up so close in age. That's when God led me to tell the man more about you.
I told him how you weren't actually turning 1 year old yet, but 1 week old. I told him how you had touched more lives in 7 days than I could imagine touching in 77 years. I told him we weren't sure how many traditional birthdays you would have but we were certain we were going to celebrate each moment with you. I told him no matter what your future held Adelaide would most definitely grow up learning from you. I told him how I wanted it to be from memories she makes first-hand, but no matter what your legacy would be a part of our family. I told the man about the doctor's prognosis and then I gently asked him if he would pray for you too.
In that moment I witnessed your life reaching out to another soul, a stranger. I already knew this was happening all over, but seeing it first-hand was understanding more. The man had tears in his eyes and apologized for crying in front of me. I assured him he had no idea how okay it was. He assured me he and his family would indeed pray for you and celebrate you that day. Right then I also realized that your life had touched me in more ways than I had realized. You taught me to be more bold in sharing what God has done and is doing. You taught me there are no limits to what is "okay" to pray.
And now, here we are Witt. Three weeks have past since that day I was in the store and you were in the hospital. Your story as we knew it, has changed. Some of the things we thought we knew about your future have changed, but I am humbled that not a detail of your story has changed with God. Three weeks ago He already knew this chapter was coming! In the beginning of time He already knew this chapter was coming!
And then some parts of your story as we know it will never change. He will always hold you in the palm of his hand as your story unfolds to all around you. Your life will always be a testimony to all you touch. We will always love you and celebrate you with each milestone we witness.
I can't wait to return to that store and share with the kind man the new reasons we rejoice with you, Witt.
You, little buddy, continue to amaze me in outstanding ways.
I love you,
Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
Worship the LORD with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the LORD is God.
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Witt had a great weekend...a very normal 3 week old weekend! The really normal part is he sometimes likes to stay awake at night and sleep when he should be eating! He is now taking on average a little over 3 ounces. He takes a bottle which is great except it means double duty for Melanie. She feeds him and pumps every 3-4 hours. Last night our little man decided to stay awake the entire time between the 1am and 4am feeding. I stepped in (what a blessing for me!) around 3 to help Mel. Witt didn't go to sleep until 5ish. He and mom are now sleeping. It is indescribable to have to deal with these normal issues!!!
Melanie and Austan go Texas Childrens today for genetic testing on the 2 of them. It needs to be determined if this was just something that happened to Witt's chromosome 1 or if it was actually "inherited" from one of his parents. Once again I am asking God change chromosomes...that even if Melanie or Austan had a chromosomal issue that God just fix it! He can, you know...He is able...I believe He did this in Witt...Glory!!
Melanie and Austan go Texas Childrens today for genetic testing on the 2 of them. It needs to be determined if this was just something that happened to Witt's chromosome 1 or if it was actually "inherited" from one of his parents. Once again I am asking God change chromosomes...that even if Melanie or Austan had a chromosomal issue that God just fix it! He can, you know...He is able...I believe He did this in Witt...Glory!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Witt had a great first visit to the pediatrician. Yesterday Dr. Lange checked him out from head to toe. On many levels he is just a normal little baby boy! Melanie had a couple of questions for the doctor and she assured them these were just "normal baby things." Our immediate goals are to be sure that Witt continues to gain weight. He will be weighed again in 7 days. Dr. Lange wants Witt to go to the urologist and neurologist. Melanie will be making these appointments soon but it still may take a little time to get the referrals and appointments. From the pediatrician's point-of-view Witt's first well check-up shows he is doing well but he needs to be checked by the specialists too. It was a very specific answer to prayer that Dr. Lange didn't talk at all about the "what ifs." He just talked about the here and now, about what we know to be true in this moment. Please be praying for Witt's kidneys (one has reflux and the other could have some blockage) and for any possible issues with his brain. All of our lives are in God's hand, we just fool ourselves into thinking we are in control. We put on "blinders" but God has seen fit to be sure we never have blinders on where Witt is concerned. Without a doubt, God is in control and its in this wonderful knowledge that we find our peace!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My heart will never be able to express how grateful I am to have been surrounded by your prayers, love, and food. When I first found out that there was a chance this baby could have some problems I wrote in an email that I could endure this pain for kingdom purposes. Although, when Witt was first born and we thought his days were few I was not sure how life could go on. Shame on me for doubting Gods plans. Through all the tears that have been shed over this little one I am still reminded that the pain I felt was nothing compared to what God experienced while watching his Son give his life for us. I praise Him that He did not see fit to take Witt from us at this time. My God is a God of miracles and I feel so blessed to have experienced a miracle in the form of this little boy. What I have learned and continue to learn is the importance of prayer and that the gift of life is not something that should be taken lightly. I encourage everyone to take time to truly cherish the moments you have with your loved ones. Please continue to pray, as any new mom does, I am sure I will feel very nervous for a while. I am not sure the plans God has for this family or what trials we will face but I know that God is faithful and will continue to hold Witt in His hands. Right now I am loving being a mom and am head over heals for this sweet boy. God turned my weeping into dancing. My tears are now tears of joy for the life of my son. Thank you again for all sharing in the life of Witt. All your comments and prayers truly touch my heart.
Faithfully His Servant,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ps- Have you ever seen such a handsome cuddly sleeper?! When he is all snug in his jammies it is too cute for words.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Grandmother - a wonderful mother with lots of practice.
~Author Unknown

Witt has always been loved dearly, that has never been in question!
During his days in the hospital these two women were constantly there loving him. Now that he is home their love for Witt continues to grow strong, but now they get to hold their handsome grandson too!
Praise God for sweet moments in the lap of a grandmother.
~Author Unknown
Witt has always been loved dearly, that has never been in question!
During his days in the hospital these two women were constantly there loving him. Now that he is home their love for Witt continues to grow strong, but now they get to hold their handsome grandson too!
Praise God for sweet moments in the lap of a grandmother.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A number of you have asked about whether we will continued to update the blog. The answer is yes. Probably not as often, be we will still keep you updated on what's going on with Witt as often as possible.
Witt decided that on his first night at home he wanted to stay up most of the night (until about 4 am). He will get on a regular schedule in his time!
Most of the day today, Witt did the eat and sleep routine while listening to NFL football in the background.
Witt received a special blanket today from his friends at FUMC La Grange. Thank you all so very much. God's love and blessing are surely going to be covering Witt everyday. He has been showered with many gifts of love in addition to constant prayers and our gratitude cannot be adequately expressed. Thank you all.
We will have more pictures and video posted later today or tomorrow so check back soon!
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Witt had a great homecoming. He spent most of the day eating and sleeping. Imagine that! He had a few guests that dropped in to see him and he didn't disappoint anyone. We really thought he looked around a lot today. He noticed where the lights were and would look at faces like he hadn't seen us everyday for two weeks. He is such a blessing and we know each day won't be easy, but God has blessed our family with one day at a time. Please keep Witt in your prayers tonight as he adjusts to a new bed and his parents as they will be feeding him through the night for the first time.
You can watch a video of Witt talking to one of his grandma's by clicking on the link below:
You can watch a video of Witt talking to one of his grandma's by clicking on the link below:
Friday, November 7, 2008
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine..." Ephesians 3:20
Witt adjusted well to the new surroundings at Methodist Hospital. Melanie and Karen were able to spend most of the day with him, keeping him fed and changing the diaper that seems to be working overtime now. The rules for visiting at Methodist are a little more strict, but all for a good cause. Melanie and Austan will be excited to have Witt with them at their temporary home. Because of Hurricane Ike, the Lupher's home is not liveable because of damage to the roof and walls. Your prayers for a faster resolution to their home repairs would be much appreciated.
The excitement of Witt moving in with us tomorrow is almost beyond words. We know that God has proved to all of us that prayers and His will are what we can depend on each day. Your continued prayers and comments are a welcomed encouragement as we now turn the page to another chapter in the life of Witt Lupher. Have a blessed evening.
Witt adjusted well to the new surroundings at Methodist Hospital. Melanie and Karen were able to spend most of the day with him, keeping him fed and changing the diaper that seems to be working overtime now. The rules for visiting at Methodist are a little more strict, but all for a good cause. Melanie and Austan will be excited to have Witt with them at their temporary home. Because of Hurricane Ike, the Lupher's home is not liveable because of damage to the roof and walls. Your prayers for a faster resolution to their home repairs would be much appreciated.
The excitement of Witt moving in with us tomorrow is almost beyond words. We know that God has proved to all of us that prayers and His will are what we can depend on each day. Your continued prayers and comments are a welcomed encouragement as we now turn the page to another chapter in the life of Witt Lupher. Have a blessed evening.
"I want to go home! I want to go home!"
Karen just emailed to say that Witt will be
as soon as tomorrow but most likely on Sunday!!!
Let's all do the happy dance!!! JOY JOY JOY
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Next stop on his tour...HOME!
Looks like Witt will be moved. Mel signed papers and they are giving us bags to start packing things. It may still take a while but looks like it it will happen today!
When we arrived at the hospital the nurse was so excited for Mel to see Witt with no tubes. He still has his IV but that will come out when he has been eating on his own a little while longer. They upped him to 33cc and will up him tonight 43cc! They may leave him here since he's going home soon but we really stressed that we would like to free a bed up for another baby that needs it! He is so cute!!!
ps- He's frowning because this grandmother turned the light on for a picture...get used to it big guy!
Mel received a phone call from the hospital a few minutes ago. They were calling to get the okay from Witt's parents to move him back across the street to Methodist Hospital because they have openings in that level 2 nursery. Of course she said "yes!" It is now time to move him to this level!
My heart is soaring with the awesome ways God is at work. He is doing miraculous things in Witt's life physically and through Witt's life touching so many lives spiritually. We can't stop smiling that Witt will now come home from the very hospital where he was born. God and Witt are just full of surprises! Praise Him.
"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." -Ephesians 3:15-20
My heart is soaring with the awesome ways God is at work. He is doing miraculous things in Witt's life physically and through Witt's life touching so many lives spiritually. We can't stop smiling that Witt will now come home from the very hospital where he was born. God and Witt are just full of surprises! Praise Him.
"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." -Ephesians 3:15-20

People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
Luke 18:15-17
We are walking as family and friends closer to God together like never before. We have reached out to God like children to touch Him and to receive the kingdom of God. We praise the Creator of the Universe who has magnified His Power on Earth and changed the lives of so many. Witt is and will always be uniquely blessed. His life began two weeks ago today.
We didn't know Witt until 6:15 pm on October 23, 2008. He had a nurse that pushed for him to arrive in his time. She helped Melanie and Austan experience the amazing miracle of birth. If you were there waiting beyond those doors, you remember the feelings of seeing Austan announcing that Witt was here! Within a short time we heard from the doctor that Witt's life was going to be shortened by many physical problems.
We prayed. We prayed more and we asked others to pray.
We asked God to heal, and to change whatever it was that was affecting Witt's body to be removed. Each day Witt surprised us, but never God and He gave us reasons to celebrate. Melanie and Austan overcame the sudden weakness that comes from learning about their son with a strength and love that only God promises. Their strength has impacted everyone that meets or hears of them.
We celebrate today with God who is faithful and the author of life. Witt's life has given us more life than we could know. Our priorities are different, better than they were before. God's Word is so much more than just the words now, it is the life that sustains us for eternity. I will never forget these days. I will remember the difference the strength of a child and the power of God has made in my life. How easy it would be to just move on. But God doesn't want me to just move on, he wants me to move out and to go tell the story, and share the love and difference God has made in this season of my life.
Thank you God and Witt...
Luke 18:15-17
We are walking as family and friends closer to God together like never before. We have reached out to God like children to touch Him and to receive the kingdom of God. We praise the Creator of the Universe who has magnified His Power on Earth and changed the lives of so many. Witt is and will always be uniquely blessed. His life began two weeks ago today.

We prayed. We prayed more and we asked others to pray.
We celebrate today with God who is faithful and the author of life. Witt's life has given us more life than we could know. Our priorities are different, better than they were before. God's Word is so much more than just the words now, it is the life that sustains us for eternity. I will never forget these days. I will remember the difference the strength of a child and the power of God has made in my life. How easy it would be to just move on. But God doesn't want me to just move on, he wants me to move out and to go tell the story, and share the love and difference God has made in this season of my life.
Thank you God and Witt...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

that same heart is SMILING and LEAPING!
Our God, The Redeemer, lives and He has been showing off quite a bit lately!!!-Cheryl
Witt had a great day. He ate more than ever and Melanie was told Witt was going to be moved to a lower level of the ICU unit. We know that they will increase his food intake and continue to monitor his intakes and out flows. Witt's cry is getting stronger as he decides this food thing is a pretty good deal.
God is so good as we watch Witt grow and change before our eyes.
On this wonderful Wednesday morning Witt is doing great! If you didn't hear, he had a great poop (we have come to appreciate everything.)
I am having to love him from afar because I still feel lousy but I am going to the doctor this afternoon. Melanie is not feeling 100% either and her doctor started her on cold medicine this morning. Prayers are appreciated that all of us can stay well too!
This morning I told Mel that I've always thought the story of her beginning was an incredible one. I was hit by a car while jogging then while I was being x-rayed head to toe they found out I was 2 weeks pregnant at the time. And although her story is still incredible Witt's story outshines them all!! Well actually...God outshines everything!
I just talked with Melanie and she is doing great. She said that Witt is going to be moved to Level 2 ICU soon.
He is going to get at least 22 cc of milk today at each feeding. For reference, 29.5 cc is 1 oz. She said they would steadily increase his food intake. The tube is going to be left in for now so that he will be able to take everything if he doesn’t take the entire bottle himself.
I know Mel and Austan really appreciate what everyone is doing as they take care of Witt. Thanks for your prayers and love as they minister and parent their almost two week old son.
How great is our God!
I am having to love him from afar because I still feel lousy but I am going to the doctor this afternoon. Melanie is not feeling 100% either and her doctor started her on cold medicine this morning. Prayers are appreciated that all of us can stay well too!
This morning I told Mel that I've always thought the story of her beginning was an incredible one. I was hit by a car while jogging then while I was being x-rayed head to toe they found out I was 2 weeks pregnant at the time. And although her story is still incredible Witt's story outshines them all!! Well actually...God outshines everything!
I just talked with Melanie and she is doing great. She said that Witt is going to be moved to Level 2 ICU soon.
He is going to get at least 22 cc of milk today at each feeding. For reference, 29.5 cc is 1 oz. She said they would steadily increase his food intake. The tube is going to be left in for now so that he will be able to take everything if he doesn’t take the entire bottle himself.
I know Mel and Austan really appreciate what everyone is doing as they take care of Witt. Thanks for your prayers and love as they minister and parent their almost two week old son.
How great is our God!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Mel, Austan and Karen just met with the Genetic Counselor. They said she was very sweet and encouraging, yet realistic. While we still don't have many concrete answers, what we do know is that all of Witt's organs are functioning normally! We will have to wait and see what developmental issues he might have...he will be followed by the geneticists at Texas Children's Hospital and they would like to see him again at 4 or 5 months!!! She did say that there have only been 30 case studies on Partial Trisomy 1 in the entire world...but, then we already KNEW Witt was so very special!!!
And now, for the REALLY EXCITING NEWS...Mel gets to try to breastfeed Witt at 3:00pm!!! This is truly remarkable news and we are praising God for all of it!!!
I can't stop SMILING!!!
And now, for the REALLY EXCITING NEWS...Mel gets to try to breastfeed Witt at 3:00pm!!! This is truly remarkable news and we are praising God for all of it!!!
I can't stop SMILING!!!
Karen just sent word that Witt took a bottle with NO problem!!! They didn't offer him much, but what they offered, he took!
The genetic counselors will be in about 1:00pm today...please continue to pray. We'll post an update asap!!!
The genetic counselors will be in about 1:00pm today...please continue to pray. We'll post an update asap!!!
I also wanted to share the following statements by Evan. I think they sum up how we all feel about Witt.
My nephew is perfect.
He may have an extremely rare genetic syndrome, but to me and God he’s perfect.
I pray that my life has even a small fraction of the impact that his already has on the lives of others.
God, thank you for Witt.
Emmanuel, God with us...He surely is!!!
...He's in the sweet face of a tiny infant named Witt, who sleeps surrounded by scripture that his mom has prayed over him for months…a precious baby that has stolen all of our hearts and caused us to pause and consider our priorities.
...He’s in the smiles of Witt’s parents, Mel and Austan, who may be young but have walked this difficult path HEROICALLY in complete faith with a maturity well beyond their years.
...He's in our gracious friends and family who bring food, come to visit (many from out of town,) keep our kids so we can be at the hospital and on and on…but, He’s also in our friends and family who, although they can’t be with us, continue to pray for us daily...the value of that support is immeasurable.
...He’s in the waiting room of Texas Children’s Witt’s grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who join together in fellowship. He’s in the people we have just met there and had the privilege to pray for…His presence is unmistakable.
Last night, as I was back with Mel and Witt, in awe of the Works of His Hands, I realized a truth…as much as I’d like to think that I go down to the hospital to “be there” for my family, it is I who is being ministered to each and every time I enter those doors! Thank you, Mel and Austan, for sharing your sweet, sweet baby with all of us so that we may more clearly recognize our Emmanuel! I love you guys more than I can ever possibly express!!! ~Cheryl
...He's in the sweet face of a tiny infant named Witt, who sleeps surrounded by scripture that his mom has prayed over him for months…a precious baby that has stolen all of our hearts and caused us to pause and consider our priorities.
...He’s in the smiles of Witt’s parents, Mel and Austan, who may be young but have walked this difficult path HEROICALLY in complete faith with a maturity well beyond their years.
...He's in our gracious friends and family who bring food, come to visit (many from out of town,) keep our kids so we can be at the hospital and on and on…but, He’s also in our friends and family who, although they can’t be with us, continue to pray for us daily...the value of that support is immeasurable.
...He’s in the waiting room of Texas Children’s Witt’s grandparents, great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who join together in fellowship. He’s in the people we have just met there and had the privilege to pray for…His presence is unmistakable.
Last night, as I was back with Mel and Witt, in awe of the Works of His Hands, I realized a truth…as much as I’d like to think that I go down to the hospital to “be there” for my family, it is I who is being ministered to each and every time I enter those doors! Thank you, Mel and Austan, for sharing your sweet, sweet baby with all of us so that we may more clearly recognize our Emmanuel! I love you guys more than I can ever possibly express!!! ~Cheryl
Monday, November 3, 2008
At the 12 pm feeding they gave Witt 23 cc's and he had digested half of it by 3 pm. They will give him another 12 cc's now and see what happens. He has been sleeping very comfortably this afternoon. Witt is also under the lights for jaundice.
Witt had the feeding tube changed from his mouth to his nose in order provide more comfort. He has been doing very well with it today. The nurse also mentioned that Witt met the criteria to move down to a lower level of the ICU. Only difference is that the nurses take care of 4 babies instead of 2 as in Witt's current unit.
Thank you for your continued prayers for Witt and the family.
Please pray for Nathan who is a little boy two hours old and is hydrocephalic. We just prayed with the family here in the waiting room. Pray that God's glory will shine in Nathan's life like He has in Witt's. Blessings...
Witt had the feeding tube changed from his mouth to his nose in order provide more comfort. He has been doing very well with it today. The nurse also mentioned that Witt met the criteria to move down to a lower level of the ICU. Only difference is that the nurses take care of 4 babies instead of 2 as in Witt's current unit.
Thank you for your continued prayers for Witt and the family.
Please pray for Nathan who is a little boy two hours old and is hydrocephalic. We just prayed with the family here in the waiting room. Pray that God's glory will shine in Nathan's life like He has in Witt's. Blessings...
Witt didn't digest his latest feeding either and they were unsure of what was the best thing to do. The nurse called the doctor and he decided to continue the feedings still. Trusting God but asking Him to please intervene and get Witt's digestion going once and for all!
Pray that Witt continues to digest! There was some residual left after the last feeding but they continued to feed him anyway. Mel met with the doctors at rounds for the first time by herself (I couldn't be back there because I am a little under the weather and don't want to expose Witt). These were brand new doctors because they started a new rotation today. We really liked and felt secure with Witt's other doctors so that was hard. Mel said she feels like she is starting from the beginning in some ways with this rotation. Witt is a little yellow again and they will watch that. They brought up things that have already been addressed then said they would look back at Witt's records. We have to remember that we too have been put in this doctor's life for Kingdom purposes. It is hard to sit out here in the waiting room when I know Mel is feeling alone...I am asking Christ to make His presence very real to her. I know He is Emmanuel- God With Us, God With Mel!
Thanks for all the encouragement and prayers for the Lupher family last night! Although it wasn't easy being across town from their little guy they made it.
Upon arriving home they were greeted with a house full of Witt's photos to see his sweet face often. They also found an awesome surprise from family friend, Pamela.
She has a business "Stuck on the Word" which makes adhesive wall art (click here for additional info.) She custom designed and applied these Bible verses in Witt's nursery and the living room where Mel and Austan are staying. These are two of the same verses Witt has on his crib. What a wonderful reminder of the way God is with us wherever we are.
Here are this morning's updates:
Witt received all of his feedings through the night!
Mel and Austan were able to get some good rest (in between getting up every 3 hours to pump).
Austan returned to work for the first time since Witt's birth.
Mel (and others) are with Witt at the hospital now and Austan will join them early this afternoon.
Thank you for your constant prayers and continued encouragement!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Witt was fed for the 3rd time today at 9pm! They are still watching for proper digestion but most of all we are praising God that he was able to eat 3 times in one day. Wow!
Austan and Mel are currently driving home to spend the first night in their own bed since Witt's arrival (they have been staying in a hotel next to the hospital). Please pray for them as they adjust to being a little farther away from Witt during the night and that he all 3 sleep well tonight.
Austan and Mel are currently driving home to spend the first night in their own bed since Witt's arrival (they have been staying in a hotel next to the hospital). Please pray for them as they adjust to being a little farther away from Witt during the night and that he all 3 sleep well tonight.
They are feeding Witt milk again and so we pray for his ability to digest it completely. Earlier today, the doctor suggested a normal feeding routine. We are praying for Witt to adjust to this routine and for the doctors to see continued improvement in the digestive system. God is so good as we see changes in Witt everyday. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.
The Lupher and McCord Families
The Lupher and McCord Families
We found out this morning that Witt did not tolerate his feeding last night. He was given 6 cc of milk and the nurse extracted 18cc's of fluid about 3 hours later. So his stomach is making too much gastric juice when food is introduced. Witt is sleeping right now as I write this from his room. Praise music is playing and God is pouring His love down on Witt. I call on the God of Healing, JEHOVAH-ROPHE to intercede in Witt's life again and heal him and take away any problems that are causing Witt not to digest properly. Only your strength God, not ours we humbly pray. Let those who see Witt today know that it is truly your Hand in complete control. Let Witt be a witness to you OH LORD!
Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:6-7
This song keeps going through my mind...I woke up with it playing over and over: My God, He can move the mountains, My God is able to save! My God is Witt's God and I am asking Him to touch Witt's cause Witt to start digesting food! Witt was unable to digest the midnight feeding so they are holding off again on feeding him. I praise God because He is Able and He is Sovereign. I am at the throne of grace clothed in the righteousness of Christ asking my God, our God, Witt's God to reveal Himself to the doctors by touching Witt, by healing Witt. He is able to move mountains, He is able to save!
Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:6-7
This song keeps going through my mind...I woke up with it playing over and over: My God, He can move the mountains, My God is able to save! My God is Witt's God and I am asking Him to touch Witt's cause Witt to start digesting food! Witt was unable to digest the midnight feeding so they are holding off again on feeding him. I praise God because He is Able and He is Sovereign. I am at the throne of grace clothed in the righteousness of Christ asking my God, our God, Witt's God to reveal Himself to the doctors by touching Witt, by healing Witt. He is able to move mountains, He is able to save!
Saturday, November 1, 2008

We need your prayers for Witt as he being x-rayed in the stomach area to see what is causing blood to show up in the fluids of his stomach. Please pray for comfort and assurance for Melanie and Austan as they wait for the results. Also, please pray for the family for peace and strength to wait on God during this time and to walk in the knowledge that God will provide for ALL their needs.
Just an update on Witt's digestive system. The doctor's will give Witt a couple of doses of medicine to clear his stomach and then feed him afterwards. Please pray for his stomach and entire system to clear and start working normally. Thank you as always for your continued love and support for little Witt. His strength is in the LORD our God...
When I arrived here at the hospital this morning I had no expectations. I knew I wanted to see Witt and see how he was doing, but that was it. I was carrying my computer, bible and newspaper and thinking I was going to just sit back and catch up.

(Witt's new KING - sized bed)
The nurse was there and Witt of course when I got to the room. Witt was making some noises, but only because he had just been checked a few minutes ago by a doctor. As the nurse and I talked about football and colleges, she decided that Witt needed a diaper change. I was up to the task and quickly relearned the "technique" since I had been watching Melanie change the diaper over the last week. Witt squirmed a little, but was back nice and comfy after I closed the last tab and the nurse started to rewrap him. Then without any prompting from me...the nurse asked if I wanted to hold my grandson. Thank you God. That was what I had prayed for throughout the week, that I would be able to hold him without taking any holding time away from Melanie or Austan. Thankfully, mom and dad were back resting in their room and I had over an hour of holding Witt, praying for him, teaching him what my voice sounds like and singing (off key) to him. It was amazing. He rested very soundly and even opened his eyes to look at me just to tell me that it was ok that I couldn't sing very well. A little over an hour went by with Witt and I just know that God has blessed me with a great start to my day. Here is my praise for Witt today... Jim
Psalm 112:1-8
1 Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.
2 His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever.
4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.
5 Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice.
6 Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever.
7 He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
8 His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.
The nurse was there and Witt of course when I got to the room. Witt was making some noises, but only because he had just been checked a few minutes ago by a doctor. As the nurse and I talked about football and colleges, she decided that Witt needed a diaper change. I was up to the task and quickly relearned the "technique" since I had been watching Melanie change the diaper over the last week. Witt squirmed a little, but was back nice and comfy after I closed the last tab and the nurse started to rewrap him. Then without any prompting from me...the nurse asked if I wanted to hold my grandson. Thank you God. That was what I had prayed for throughout the week, that I would be able to hold him without taking any holding time away from Melanie or Austan. Thankfully, mom and dad were back resting in their room and I had over an hour of holding Witt, praying for him, teaching him what my voice sounds like and singing (off key) to him. It was amazing. He rested very soundly and even opened his eyes to look at me just to tell me that it was ok that I couldn't sing very well. A little over an hour went by with Witt and I just know that God has blessed me with a great start to my day. Here is my praise for Witt today... Jim
Psalm 112:1-8
1 Praise the LORD. Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who finds great delight in his commands.
2 His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever.
4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.
5 Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice.
6 Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever.
7 He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
8 His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.
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