People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
Luke 18:15-17
We are walking as family and friends closer to God together like never before. We have reached out to God like children to touch Him and to receive the kingdom of God. We praise the Creator of the Universe who has magnified His Power on Earth and changed the lives of so many. Witt is and will always be uniquely blessed. His life began two weeks ago today.
We didn't know Witt until 6:15 pm on October 23, 2008. He had a nurse that pushed for him to arrive in his time. She helped Melanie and Austan experience the amazing miracle of birth. If you were there waiting beyond those doors, you remember the feelings of seeing Austan announcing that Witt was here! Within a short time we heard from the doctor that Witt's life was going to be shortened by many physical problems.
We prayed. We prayed more and we asked others to pray.
We asked God to heal, and to change whatever it was that was affecting Witt's body to be removed. Each day Witt surprised us, but never God and He gave us reasons to celebrate. Melanie and Austan overcame the sudden weakness that comes from learning about their son with a strength and love that only God promises. Their strength has impacted everyone that meets or hears of them.
We celebrate today with God who is faithful and the author of life. Witt's life has given us more life than we could know. Our priorities are different, better than they were before. God's Word is so much more than just the words now, it is the life that sustains us for eternity. I will never forget these days. I will remember the difference the strength of a child and the power of God has made in my life. How easy it would be to just move on. But God doesn't want me to just move on, he wants me to move out and to go tell the story, and share the love and difference God has made in this season of my life.
Thank you God and Witt...
Luke 18:15-17
We are walking as family and friends closer to God together like never before. We have reached out to God like children to touch Him and to receive the kingdom of God. We praise the Creator of the Universe who has magnified His Power on Earth and changed the lives of so many. Witt is and will always be uniquely blessed. His life began two weeks ago today.

We prayed. We prayed more and we asked others to pray.
We celebrate today with God who is faithful and the author of life. Witt's life has given us more life than we could know. Our priorities are different, better than they were before. God's Word is so much more than just the words now, it is the life that sustains us for eternity. I will never forget these days. I will remember the difference the strength of a child and the power of God has made in my life. How easy it would be to just move on. But God doesn't want me to just move on, he wants me to move out and to go tell the story, and share the love and difference God has made in this season of my life.
Thank you God and Witt...
I praise the Lord again and again For Witt and what God has done in and through him and well as what He has done in and through Mel and Austan. I also praise God for what He has done in and through my "whole" family. I also praise God for all He has done in me over the last 2 weeks. I continue to pray for Witt to improve more and more each day. I am waiting with anticipation for the day Mel and Austan get to take their baby home. I am so thankful to be apart of a family that BELIEVES and TRUST Jesus!!!
I love you all so much and I am hoping to see you all soon!
What powerful and compeling words......... Praise God and his handiwork.
Happy 2 weeks little Witt!!
What a happy day it is!. Witt's birthday is the first thing I thought of this morning and the last thing I thought of last night. God's love is amazing. I have a little note on my desk that says "Faith is not believing that God can, it is knowing that he WILL!" That pretty much sums up the last two weeks for all of us. We never questioned His mercy and KNEW without a doubt that God was doing great and mighty works in Witt's life and all of us around him.
Have a wonderful celebration of life today!
Happy BIrthday Witt!! :)
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