Today OT is starting back up. The cardiologists said it was perfectly fine to continue working with Witt on eating the baby foods. He is sleeping much better at night now. At home he sleeps through just fine but in the hospital its a much different routine especially when he was in the PICU. They are doing cluster care so that someone won't be coming in at all times and respiratory has orders to only do therapy when he is awake. Dr. Macicek and Dr. Jeffries stopped by to see how Witt was doing. Dr. Knudson, Witt's current cardiology fellow in the hospital is wonderful but its also a great comfort to know that Witt's regular cardiologists are following his treatment too!
Witt has had a great day! He is off step down status although he remains in the same room for now. What this means is a lot less wires because they are only monitoring oxygen saturation and heart rate. It's as if he is just on his pulse/ox monitor at home. He did just fine on his increased feeds. He is pretty junky sounding in his nose and throat(not the lungs!) but he is coughing pretty good too. Coughing and suctioning is happening a lot in this room. The PT, Stephanie, came by yesterday for a session. Every 4 hours or so respiratory comes for his breathing treatment. Part of this is CPT or Chest Physical Therapy which Witt actually enjoys especially on the back.
Once again I find myself needing to thank each of you for your support and prayers and once again the words just don't seem like enough! Please know that I am more than grateful and humbled by the prayers for Witt and all his family. I can tell you with no uncertainty that your prayers make all the difference in this world...thank you!
Witt is now on the 15th floor in a step down room! Yesterday late afternoon it was decided to go ahead and move Witt. His chest x-ray looked good and the bed space was needed in the PICU. He is in a step down room so that he can still be monitored closely. The cardiologists think he is doing good. The plan now is to make slow changes one at a time. Witt is still off his enalapril and still getting extra diuretic. The doctor wants to start up his enalapril. That will be the only change in his medications today. Dr. Knudson is the fellow cardiologist that will be taking the lead on Witt starting tomorrow. He was an integral part of Witt's care this fall so we are excited to have him again. The nurses can't believe how much Witt has grown in the 3 months since he was here. No time frame has been mentioned for going home but we have learned to take it one day at a time!!!
Hanging out waiting for the move!
Witt is doing well off the ventilator. He has only needed about 1/2 liter of oxygen through just a regular nasal cannula...no CPAP. The doctors have no reason to believe that he won't eventually be back off oxygen completely. His labs look good tool! He didn't sleep much last night which seems to happen in a hospital. Last stay he got his days and nights all mixed up. In the middle of the night the TV seems to entertain Witt which is helpful at 4am!
The doctors debated on whether or not to send Witt to the 15th floor today or tomorrow. They decided to wait till tomorrow. The last thing the doctors want is Witt to go up to the regular cardiology floor to soon and have to come back to PICU. Tomorrow morning the process will be started for the move up!
One of my prayers through all of Witt's hospital stays is that I don't get so focused on what we are going through that I miss an opportunity to allow Christ to minister to others here as well. There is a lot of heartache right now in several families with children in the PICU. One family is making the decision whether or not to remove there 15 year old daughter off life support. Another family's son has maybe 32 hours to get an organ transplant or he is expected to die. I know it would seem like this would be a place where God is absent but it is the opposite. I know that wherever there is heartache, despair, hopelessness there is Christ...holding on to those who know Him and reaching out to completely embrace those who don't. His presence in here is undeniable! As you continue to pray for Witt to heal would you pray not only for strength for Mel and Austan but also for the other families as well. Pray that they draw closer to the Living God or perhaps meet Him for the first time!
I was born on October 23, 2008. I weighed 5 pounds, 5 ounces and was 19 inches long. Austan and Melanie Lupher are my loving parents here on Earth. My heavenly Father is sharing me with them. I am a miracle and a blessing to countless.