Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tomorrow keep Witt and his mom and dad in your prayers as they visit his pulmonologist at 2 pm. The doctors will check the healing progress of Witt's lungs from the pneuomonia and most likely discuss a number of different things with Melanie and Austan.
Also, Karen is now "quarantined" again with another virus in her eye. Unfortunately, if we are sick we shouldn't be in the same house as Witt, so Karen is back at Deela's. Also, please keep Melanie in your prayers as she has a doctor's appointment for her tomorrow as well. As always, your continued prayers bless us our entire family.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I am back at home now that I am not contagious! I did not have the swine flu just a little virus! We took Witt for his therapy today. Unfortunately as we arrived at Texas Children, the news was just coming out that a baby died there Monday from the swine flu! Of course, please pray for that family but also that no other child is exposed. Witt is especially susceptible because of his pulmonary issues. We just heard that all high school sports for the state of Texas have been cancelled until May 11th and a couple of school districts have completely closed till then. Melanie is calling the doctors that Witt has appointments with to see is he should still come. His next appointment is Friday with Dr. Ruiz(pulmonary) at Texas Children's. Please pray that God will give wisdom for Melanie and Austan as they decide about keeping appointments. Witt had great physical and occupational therapy sessions today. This was his first time back since he was in the hospital so he's usually a little touchy but he did great. Next week is a big appointment week. Witt has appointments Monday through Thursday of next week starting with cardiology on Monday, swallow test on Tuesday, therapy on Wednesday and a meeting with the surgeon (gtube) on Thursday. Thank you for continuing to invest in Witt's life...I see and feel the dividends daily!~Karen
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sometimes when it rains it leaves no doubt that God wanted to show us something here on the earth. This morning was one of those days. It rained during the early morning hours and caused a lot of flooding to streets in and around the Houston area today. We were all safe and sound in our homes. Karen is recovering from a virus at a friend's home. She is not able to stay in the house with Witt because of the potential for getting him sick. Witt has been resting and playing during the day, feeling better and getting over the pneumonia that had kept him in the hospital last week. The rain that feel this morning woke even Witt up this morning. Loud claps of thunder followed by dazzling displays of lightning kept even the soundest sleepers awake for a while. I awoke at about 4 a.m. to hear Witt crying and seeing him being lifted from his crib by his mom. Almost by the time I walked down the hall and back into my room the crying had stopped. That was comfort. Witt felt it in his mom's arms and stopped crying. We don't know what God's plan is for Witt's life, but we do know that the comfort and caring arms of Melanie holding her son will stop his crys. I don't know why all the rain fell in Houston today, but I do know that arms of a mom that held her son can comfort and stop the crys of a baby boy named Witt. Thank you God for showing me that today.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Witt is being released! Melanie is excited because the doctor gave her a prescription for a suction machine! The things that can bring you joy! Please pray for continued healing. Witt is better but not totally well. This weekend his pulmonary specialist(Dr. Ruiz) is actually the one on call. Melanie was told to call if there was any change for the worse at all. Here is one last video from Witt's room! We never want to have to go to a hospital but I am so grateful for Texas Children's, the doctors, nurses...all the staff. I am grateful that God always seems to draw us nearer and absolutely carry us during Witt's hospitalizations. Witt's final visitor was my other grandchild, Adelaide...God just blesses me!!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
First things first...
here's the handsome birthday boy.
here's the handsome birthday boy.
and here's the Lupher family.
As of today both of their grandbabies are even on the same floor of the hospital.
They pour out so much love and prayers for both of their sweet grandchildren.
They pour out so much love and prayers for both of their sweet grandchildren.
Tonight in celebration of Witt...
we hung his birthday banner.
we dined on delicious Chili's to go.
we ate decadent cupcakes.
we smiled at Mr. Witt and
we just might have gotten a little silly too.

we hung his birthday banner.
we dined on delicious Chili's to go.
we ate decadent cupcakes.
we smiled at Mr. Witt and
we just might have gotten a little silly too.
And finally, because I can't ever say it enough...
Happy 1/2 Birthday Witt!
This is something that Evan posted shortly after Witt was born. This sums up what we all feel!
My nephew is perfect. He may have an extremely rare genetic syndrome, but to me and God he's perfect. I pray that my life has even a small fraction of the impact that his already has on the lives of others. God, thank you for Witt-Evan
Also...Here is a link to a post from Melanie in November. I am not sure that God could ever receive more glory than He did from this post! http://wittharrislupher.blogspot.com/2008/11/letter-from-mom.html
My nephew is perfect. He may have an extremely rare genetic syndrome, but to me and God he's perfect. I pray that my life has even a small fraction of the impact that his already has on the lives of others. God, thank you for Witt-Evan
Also...Here is a link to a post from Melanie in November. I am not sure that God could ever receive more glory than He did from this post! http://wittharrislupher.blogspot.com/2008/11/letter-from-mom.html
Look who's 6 months old! Please pray not only for Witt's heart valve but also for his lungs. We have not been able to turn the oxygen down and even at the higher level the osat is bouncing around some...dropping down. Pray for Melanie also...to once again be strengthened, to be filled with the joy of the Lord that is her strength!!

I never new my life could be changed (for the better!), my faith increased so much by God working through a baby's life! I trust God more than I ever have, I have a greater understanding of how little I can control, I have added many little things to my list of "don't sweat it", I have never been more grateful to know that this life on earth is less than a blink of an eye compared eternal life with Christ. I want to make the most of my opportunities to share Christ, to live the abundant life that God promises but I am grateful to be heaven bound where, as great of a hospital it is, there will be no need of Texas Children's Hospital. Happy 6 month old day, Witt! God has given me an infinite amount of "gifts" through you. Today, I bow, actually fall before the throne of grace with gratitude and praise for you!!!
Here are some of my favorite pict
ures from the first days of Witt's power packed life!
Here are some of my favorite pict

Today is a grand day! Please join us in shouts of thanksgiving to God for one of His greatest Witt-nesses!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Witt continues to improve. At rounds Dr. Justino even mentioned going home within a few days if Witt continues to get better. He would need to be back to his oxygen baseline which is 1/2 liter. He is on 3/4 right now so only one turn up from baseline! This could be the shortest stay for Witt so far. His lungs still sound pretty crackly which means it is still a little hard for him to breathe. Last night was interesting. Around 1:00am Witt's oxygen saturation dropped several points which was huge. Thankfully he only needed a deep suction to bring it back up. The oxygen just couldn't get through! Then around 4 his IV came out. He's a hard stick so it took a couple of tries but the nurse finally got one in. He is more alert today which also means he is more aware that he doesn't feel good. Please pray that Witt continues on this path of healing and that in God's perfect timing he will go home! Also continue to pray for his heart valve...I would love God to just show off! Witt's heart valve is so well documented that there would be no doubt that God did it! In the meantime here is Witt showing off how PT has been helping!
Just heard that they are trying to get Witt home Friday...yeah!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Kelli, thanks for the reminder to be specific about needed prayer! The upper right lobe of Witt's lungs is what took the biggest hit. Last night that actually got a little worse. Please pray for that part of his lungs to get better. Also, pray for rest for Melanie and Austan. I mean just some good sleep! Last night was a long night for Melanie and Austan is juggling his job, the rebuilding of their house and Witt at the hospital. Finally (for now!), pray that none of us are overwhelmed by the circumstances and that we live each day with the grace God has given us...that we don't look ahead to what we don't know!!!
Blessed: worthy of worship, holy.
"When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be Your glorious name! Blessed be Your name on the road marked with suffering. Though there is pain in the offering, blessed be Your name!"
There has certainly been darkness and pain on this path but there has been unexplainable peace and infinite joy...blessed be the name of the Lord! When the darkness does close in but He is my focus...light appears...The Light. Darkness cannot exist in Light. By definition, darkness is the absence of light so if darkness tries to close in on me...blessed be the Lord who is Light!!! Our circumstances never change who God is and He is Light, He is Peace, He is Mighty to Save, He is Worthy!
How amazing is our God! You might not understand unless you are or have walked on a path of suffering how God fills that path with peace and joy! From the outside, Witt's life may have the appearance of just pain and suffering but it is not! I have never experienced this kind of joy before...this fullness of joy before! O, I have hurt but God is so faithful to overcome!
Witt got a little worse over night but that was somewhat expected. It takes a little bit of time for the antibiotic to kick in. PT and OT have already been by to visit. One of our favorite doctors is his attending on the floor, Dr. Justino...what a blessing! Witt will be here for at least several days. The type of pneumonia he has is totally consistent with being caused by aspirating on his vomit. This type of pneumonia is not contagious. Witt will most likely have the gtube (more permanent feeding tube) put in and his stomach "twisted" (keeps him from spitting up at all) in the very near future. It could actually take place during this hospital stay or he could be sent home for a week or two then come back. As much as I am overwhelmingly amazed at our God, I am also amazed at Mel and Ausan. I know they have no idea the witnesses that they are. Truly the very life of Christ is being exhibited!! Join me today in blessing our Great God!....Karen
Now some video...the really important stuff on the blog!!
"When the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be Your glorious name! Blessed be Your name on the road marked with suffering. Though there is pain in the offering, blessed be Your name!"
There has certainly been darkness and pain on this path but there has been unexplainable peace and infinite joy...blessed be the name of the Lord! When the darkness does close in but He is my focus...light appears...The Light. Darkness cannot exist in Light. By definition, darkness is the absence of light so if darkness tries to close in on me...blessed be the Lord who is Light!!! Our circumstances never change who God is and He is Light, He is Peace, He is Mighty to Save, He is Worthy!
How amazing is our God! You might not understand unless you are or have walked on a path of suffering how God fills that path with peace and joy! From the outside, Witt's life may have the appearance of just pain and suffering but it is not! I have never experienced this kind of joy before...this fullness of joy before! O, I have hurt but God is so faithful to overcome!
Witt got a little worse over night but that was somewhat expected. It takes a little bit of time for the antibiotic to kick in. PT and OT have already been by to visit. One of our favorite doctors is his attending on the floor, Dr. Justino...what a blessing! Witt will be here for at least several days. The type of pneumonia he has is totally consistent with being caused by aspirating on his vomit. This type of pneumonia is not contagious. Witt will most likely have the gtube (more permanent feeding tube) put in and his stomach "twisted" (keeps him from spitting up at all) in the very near future. It could actually take place during this hospital stay or he could be sent home for a week or two then come back. As much as I am overwhelmingly amazed at our God, I am also amazed at Mel and Ausan. I know they have no idea the witnesses that they are. Truly the very life of Christ is being exhibited!! Join me today in blessing our Great God!....Karen
Now some video...the really important stuff on the blog!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
After Mel, Austan, Karen, and Witt spent more than six hours at the hospital waiting for tests and decisions to be made as to what is best for Witt, there are now some additional pieces of information to report and pray over...
*Witt has pneumonia. It could be from throwing up and aspirating..
*He has been admitted to the hospital and will probably be there for at least a few days.
*His sweet heart is the same. It hasn't gotten better, but it hasn't worsened either, so we are very thankful it is the same.
*The cardiologist feels that he will probably need a cardiac cath. soon (within the month, but most likely after he is released from the hospital).
*They still need to determine the pressures in the heart chambers but will most likely need surgery. The doctors want to put that off as long as possible though.
Karen sent this precious picture of Witt that she took while waiting for his appointment. As I saved it as "Witt's hand," my computer let me know I already had another photo with that same name. As I compared the two photos I fell in love with Witt's hands all over again.
The first time we saw Witt,
his little hand was the only thing Mel and Austan could touch. Shortly after his birth, we were invited to gather in the hospital room during the tender moment they met their son. That moment and the image of Mel holding Witt's fingers in her own will never leave my memory.
Every day we have the privilege of seeing God's handiwork through Witt's life. Through his initial diagnosis changing, through each lesson we have learned from the journey with this little guy, through good news and bad news alike, through it all we have the privilege of seeing the fingerprints of God on Witt.
I am having a hard time putting into words all that my mind thinks of Witt and all that my heart feels for him. There is so much I want to say about this sweet guy, but my words always fall short. Right now this song by Stephen Curtis Chapman captures a little bit more of what I am thinking...
I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you.
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true.
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God.
Never has there been and never again
Will there be another you.
Fashioned by God's hand
And perfectly planned
To be just who you are.
And what He's been creating
Since the first beat of your heart
Is a living breathing priceless work of art.
I love you Witt!
*Witt has pneumonia. It could be from throwing up and aspirating..
*He has been admitted to the hospital and will probably be there for at least a few days.
*His sweet heart is the same. It hasn't gotten better, but it hasn't worsened either, so we are very thankful it is the same.
*The cardiologist feels that he will probably need a cardiac cath. soon (within the month, but most likely after he is released from the hospital).
*They still need to determine the pressures in the heart chambers but will most likely need surgery. The doctors want to put that off as long as possible though.

The first time we saw Witt,
Every day we have the privilege of seeing God's handiwork through Witt's life. Through his initial diagnosis changing, through each lesson we have learned from the journey with this little guy, through good news and bad news alike, through it all we have the privilege of seeing the fingerprints of God on Witt.
I am having a hard time putting into words all that my mind thinks of Witt and all that my heart feels for him. There is so much I want to say about this sweet guy, but my words always fall short. Right now this song by Stephen Curtis Chapman captures a little bit more of what I am thinking...
I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you.
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true.
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God.
Never has there been and never again
Will there be another you.
Fashioned by God's hand
And perfectly planned
To be just who you are.
And what He's been creating
Since the first beat of your heart
Is a living breathing priceless work of art.
I love you Witt!
Witt's head cold seemed to be getting worse this morning and he was coughing all through the night. After talking to his pediatrician- Dr. Lange, this morning, he felt it would be best to go on into the hospital since Witt's lungs sound a little "junky." Dr. Lange ordered a chest x-ray to be done so it will be ready right away, and they will be near the ER if needed. Witt's lung doctor- Dr. Ruiz, may try to see him also, and for now his cardio. appt. is still set for 1:30pm. As always, thank you so much for your constant prayers for Witt and the whole family. Keep them going, please!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
It was a glorious morning! Many gathered with us at the altar as Jason led us in prayer. It was Witt's first time to be in the church. I know many many others also joined in with us including a lot of my family from the Rocky Mountains! Our prayer continues to be the utmost glory for God through not just Witt's but all our lives!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tomorrow morning Melanie and Austan are taking Witt to church for the first time. At the end of the service one of our pastors will join us at the altar and lead us in prayer for Witt. They would like to invite anyone who goes to our church to come down and join us in prayer. It will be at the end during the altar call. We would also like anyone out there to join us from wherever you are (Acts 1:14a) "with one mind devoted to prayer." The time will be somewhere between 11:45 to 12:00 CST. Join us in praising God for Who He is and thanking Him for what He has already done for us!! Psalm 103:1-5 "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all this is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases; Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion; Who satisfies your years with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle."
O God, You Who are Mighty to Save, we praise You as Sovereign, as Healer. Just as Christ prayed for Your will, Father we ask that Your will be to heal Witt's heart to Your glory. May the name of Christ be magnified throughout the world because of your work in and through this tiny but power filled life of Witt's...in the name above all names, Jesus the Christ, Jesus our Christ!
As I write this, Witt is laying beside me and Melanie is in the other room with "On Christ, the Solid Rock I Stand" blaring loudly. She and Austan do take their stand on Christ. They are firmly planted and grounded in God's truth. We are asking God for a healing, believing without a doubt that He Who has the power to save our souls, has the power to heal Witt. And yet our faith is and will always be firmly established in Who God is rather than His actions. He alone is God...He alone is Sovereign, He alone is Trustworthy....Glory!!!!
Witt, at my side as I type!

Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I never thought an ear infection would be good news but in Witt's case I think it is! His right ear is infected. Witt has been congested for several days. He is now on antibiotic for it. Melanie also spoke to the cardiologist and was told its normal for the heart rate to increase with pain. We haven't heard back from the pulmonalogist as to whether they want to see Witt because of this. Several good things took place today! First, Witt was able to be seen by his pediatrician and not go to ER! Second, we found out that his iron level has gone up. It was discovered to be low on the last ER visit. Lastly (although Mel may have a different opinion!) Witt "christened" her while being weighed. Of course I have a picture!!!

Also...Witt now weighs 12lbs 10oz!!!!!!!! At least the feeding tube and not aspirating is putting weight on him!

Also...Witt now weighs 12lbs 10oz!!!!!!!! At least the feeding tube and not aspirating is putting weight on him!
I just heard "How Great Is Our God" on the radio as I was getting ready to take Witt to the doctor. God is so Faithful...that is exactly what I needed to hear! God is great. God's goodness is not dependent upon our circumstances so regardless of where I walk today I can proclaim to the world: How great is our God, sing with me how great is our God and all the world will see how great, how great is our God!!!
Today is not the day that I thought it would be. I find peace in knowing it is however exactly the day God knew it would be! Since Witt was sick through the night he now has an appointment with Dr. Lange (pediatrician) at 11:45. Melanie thinks there is a good chance that we will need to take Witt to Texas Children for blood work. I am reminded that any steps we take today can be steps used by God for kingdom purposes far beyond our circumstances. I pray that we are His instruments through which His grace and hope flows. As I was praying and telling God that I was tired, He said "That's okay, I am never tired. I am your Strength." What I know today is that the nearness of God is my good, the nearness of God is Witt's good (Psalm 73:28a) and God is right here with us to carry us. I trust God with today because God is Most High, Sovereign over all! I pray that other lives are touched because of our steps today with Witt....glory to God who is Worthy!!!...Karen
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Witt is resting right now. His heart rate is still slightly elevated for resting but not alarming. Melanie did talk to the cardiologist on call. What a blessing that it was a cardiologist who saw Witt over Christmas so she knew him. The answering service had given her the wrong number but she remembered Melanie Lupher (in a good way!!!) and Witt so she was able to look him up and get the correct number. The cardiologist told Melanie it sounded like it had to do with his stomach being upset. She said whenever a person is in pain the heart rate is elevated. She also told Melanie and Austan to trust their instincts...that sometimes that's the best. Thank You, God, that You give us Your wisdom to guide our instincts!!! Once again, I also thank each of you for your prayers on Witt's and our behalf...we truly feel them!...Karen
Please pray for sweet Witt...he's running a lowgrade fever and his heart rate is high. He had these same symptoms a few weeks ago and it turned out to be a "routine baby thing." We are certainly praying for the same this time. But, please join us in prayer specifically this evening as it is a little more alarming after his last cardiologist appointment. At this point, I don't know if he will need to go to the ER but I will certainly keep you updated!
Thank you for your prayers!!!
We continue to praise our God for Who He Is!!!
Thank you for your prayers!!!
We continue to praise our God for Who He Is!!!
Today Witt had his physical therapy. He did great. In the past the physical therapist has had to spend a lot of the time just comforting Witt. Today she was able to work a lot with him. I was able to capture a tiny bit on video! Witt did not get OT today. His therapist told us she had a cold and it would probably be better for Witt to not be exposed. We appreciate her letting us know. Witt does not need direct exposure to a cold! The next few days are "quiet" days for Witt...no doctor's appointment. The first scheduled appointment will be cardiology on Monday. Once again I thank each of you for your prayers. We continue to seek God and His strength. He is faithful to carry us each day! Here are a couple of videos from today's PT. Witt's snappy attire will undoubtedly catch your eye!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I tried to capture Witt's reddish hair but it doesn't show up that well in pictures!

Anyone who has known me from college knows that I love these overalls!!!

God has used today to continue to fill us with trust and peace. I praise God for Witt. I praise God for what He has already accomplished for Witt and through Witt! I praise God that as Witt sits in in his overalls that God is actually "over all"! I thank God that I can rest, be still, and know that He is God!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
We truly had a blessed Easter with Witt and the family in the country. Today I celebrate Christ, the Risen Christ, the One who intercedes for Witt! This week's appointments are only OT and PT on Wednesday. Witt goes back to cardiology on Monday, April 20th, along with an ENT follow-up. One of the many things in Witt's Easter basket was a mirror that now hangs in his
bed. He loves it!

It was a Happy Easter!
Also, if you have tried posting a comment and were unable to, please try again. A setting was changed. Melanie recently said how much the comments mean to her!
bed. He loves it!

It was a Happy Easter!
Also, if you have tried posting a comment and were unable to, please try again. A setting was changed. Melanie recently said how much the comments mean to her!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Do you feel like God has foresaken you? Jesus from the cross asked His Father in heaven that same thing before He died. Had God foresaken His Son? On the third day...we will celebrate the Risen One, the Son who gives us eternal life with God as Karen shared on the last post. Sometimes our days are filled with difficulty as we watch others or ourselves go through very trying times. I read something today that reminded me that God knows how scared we are and never leaves our side. When we fall to our knees the Creator of the Universe is there to help us to our feet.
Witt continues to remind me there is always hope. Each day we see a life created by God for one single purpose...to His Glory. I will never forget that day I held Witt the first time in the NICU. His little body was wound tight in a blanket and he struggled to breath and break all the "expectations" the doctors had about his condition. I prayed for Witt to be strong, to hold on against the odds and he has. I held Witt again this morning. It was different and the same. (The tears are coming so hard as I write this)...but Witt smiles now. He knows who is holding him. He recognizes things around him and he loves his mom and dad. God does not foresake. No matter what your circumstances, health, marriage or whatever it is. God can heal. Waiting on Him and only Him is the answer. Tomorrow we will wait. No celebration, no living son of God for that one day. Oh, but the day after will be different. It will be a day like no other if you know Christ...because He indeed has risen!
Let this guide your prayers: If your desire is the glory of God and the well-being of others it is impossible to ask God for too much.
Witt continues to remind me there is always hope. Each day we see a life created by God for one single purpose...to His Glory. I will never forget that day I held Witt the first time in the NICU. His little body was wound tight in a blanket and he struggled to breath and break all the "expectations" the doctors had about his condition. I prayed for Witt to be strong, to hold on against the odds and he has. I held Witt again this morning. It was different and the same. (The tears are coming so hard as I write this)...but Witt smiles now. He knows who is holding him. He recognizes things around him and he loves his mom and dad. God does not foresake. No matter what your circumstances, health, marriage or whatever it is. God can heal. Waiting on Him and only Him is the answer. Tomorrow we will wait. No celebration, no living son of God for that one day. Oh, but the day after will be different. It will be a day like no other if you know Christ...because He indeed has risen!
Let this guide your prayers: If your desire is the glory of God and the well-being of others it is impossible to ask God for too much.
Today all I can think about is "the Cross". I am grateful that we Christians, we believers in Christ live on this side of the cross. We know that death was defeated! It is the cross that gives me hope. It is the cross that gives me peace. It is because of the cross that I find it easy to trust God. Christ chose the cross. No nails on earth could hold Christ there! No man could actually make God do anything! Christ held Himself to the cross. He held Himself there to die for all our sins once and for all...the ultimate sacrifice. He died on the cross so He could be resurrected and offer eternal life with God to all. Christ made it possible that every human (believer or not!) will live infinitely beyond this life. The decision given to each of us is will it be an eternity with Christ or without Him! I choose Christ! I choose Christ and His peace that reaches us even as we live on earth. I choose Christ because I believe when He stayed on that cross my name was on His mind, Witt's name was on His mind, your name was on His mind. The cross is why I can rest and trust God with Witt's life. I trust God's will for Witt! I am still wholeheartedly asking God to heal Witt's heart but the answer is in God's hands....the nail pierced hands....the hands that stayed on
the cross for me. I rest in those hands! ....Karen
And Witt rests too!
the cross for me. I rest in those hands! ....Karen
And Witt rests too!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
No appointments for the rest of the week! Thank you for your continued prayers for Witt. I thought you might like to see a couple of pictures and a video of some of his day!
Before bath!
During bath!
Witt really likes "talking" to the cute baby in the little mirror on his chair!
Before bath!
During bath!

Witt really likes "talking" to the cute baby in the little mirror on his chair!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thank You, Lord! Witt got a clean bill of health from renal. The doctor said his kidneys are working perfectly so no need to see him again. Witt will still go to urology because of his kidney reflux and a structural issue but they are working just fine! I truly thank God for this good news and continue to ask God that it be His will that by healing Witt's heart God would receive infinite glory. Someone had commented that it's God's will to heal Witt here and now. I'll be honest...I don't know that! I know my God is able, I know my God loves Witt even more than Melanie and Austan do. I know my God cannot separate His will from His love for Witt. I know that whatever happens to Witt (or any of us! ) is under God's control and I find unexplainable comfort and peace in that. God is Trustworthy and so are all His actions. I just don't always understand God's plan so my faith rests in knowing Who God is and not in what He does! As I said before, no doctor or test result has the final say, my God Who is Mighty to save has the final say...all to His glory!!! Here are just a couple of things I love about Witt...his smile, his "shy" look. I love when he arches his back and stretches with his little arms above his head! Most of all I love that he is ours and yours! Melanie calls him "tiny" sometimes but his life has been anything but tiny!
......Karen (aka Witt's grandmother!)
......Karen (aka Witt's grandmother!)

*the noises you make *your spike (of hair)
*your knees *your belly *your sweet hands
*your grunts and groans *your smiles
*the way your face looks when we pick you up *the way you move *the cute way you sleep, and of course the list could go on and on.
Feel free to leave a comment with one of your things about Witt too!
-Annalee (Witt's Aunt)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tomorrow morning at 9:15 Witt has an appointment with the renal specialists at Texas Children. I am asking God for an outpouring of His mercy and grace! After the renal appointment Witt will go to OT and PT. I am desperately seeking God...seeking His face...seeking His strength. He is our Hope. I told Melanie that our part is to stay in as close of fellowship with Christ as possible. Psalm 16:8 "I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Pray that the Lord is before us. Pray that Christ Himself is living through us tomorrow. It would be a waste if tomorrow I can't see past Witt's circumstances and see God at work all around us. The majority of people at Texas Children's are in incredibly hard circumstances. Christ needs to be their Hope also! I pray that Melanie and I are vessels through which Christ can minister to them. Also, pray for Elle (Austan's brother's baby). She is in surgery tonight at Texas Children's for her nasal canals. That family too is walking where most of us will never be but we can lift them in prayer!
A video of Witt-
Witt and one of his biggest fans, Oscar Turner-
A video of Witt-
Monday, April 6, 2009
I intended to write about the faithfulness of God and I still will. Only I will tell of His faithfulness in the midst of a bad situation. Witt had a cardiac appointment today and we were told something totally unexpected. His leaky heart valve has gotten worse. It may require surgery but if it does then (in the words of the cardiologist) that's bad...very, very bad. Surgery could not actually ever correct this valve which is between the chambers. Babies who have this surgery do not live to adulthood. The heart is never normal. BUT we have a God who is faithful. We have a God who decides the number of Witt's breaths. We have a God to Who the word "never" is meaningless. We have a God who is very, very good in the midst of very bad. I don't know what God's will is but I know that He does have the final say. No doctor or test result ever does! Witt will go back in 2 weeks for another echo and in the meantime the cardiologist will talk with the surgeons for their opinion. Melanie and Austan are devastated but I know God is faithful. God promises to be their strength. Witt's life, his very heart is in God's hands and nowhere else. So in brokenness I am begging God to intervene. Witt is basically at the end of what medicine can do but not at the end of what God can do if He so desires. God is faithful to do His will. I pray that God's will is to heal not just Witt's but all of our broken hearts. To God be the glory forever and ever!
I am sorry I didn't get to write during the antique show. God was so active and so was I! Today Witt has a cardiology appointment at 11:00 and an OT appointment at 3:00. We will stay at Texas Children's all day and hopefully get to see Witt's cousin, Eleanor! I will definitely write more about the faithfulness of God! He just amazes me!
Friday, April 3, 2009
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