Friday, October 31, 2008
He can move the mountains
My God is Mighty to save
He is Mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
So take me as You find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in
Now I surrender
Shine your light and let the whole world see
We're singing for the glory of the risen King... Jesus!
-Leslie G.
What I never want to happen, what I want to guard against happening, is for any of us to somehow get confused and begin trusting in what God does and not in Who He is. I am on my knees before Him, thanking Him for His healing but my trust must remain in God and God alone. What He has done in Witt's life would be marred if we begin to trust in God's work…in His miracles and not in Who He is. If we put any faith or hope in God's actions then we may lose hope when we don't understand what God is up to. Our faith is in God, our hope is in Christ, and that's a hope that never disappoints us.
Join me in asking God to do His mighty work once again in Witt's DNA, please take away the extra chromosomes. Join me in shouting from the mountaintops telling the world what God has already done in Witt's life but also join me in keeping the faith in the only thing that is Worthy... in GOD!
This morning we pray specifically...
*that Witt will digest his milk. I believe he did fine through the night but the milk he was given at 6am was basically still there at 9am. The nurse is going to check with the doctors when they make rounds. I don't think its too alarming, we just need him to continue to "eat!" Aren't we glad that absolutely nothing is alarming and certainly never disarming to God!
*for another sweet baby in the nursery (we don't know its name) but no visitors are allowed in for the next few hours while they do surgery on this baby. (UPDATED- the doctor tell the mom that the little baby's emergency surgery went well! The mom will be able to see the baby in 20 minutes. It was emergency surgery of some kind. It is amazing that they can do surgery right there in NICU when there is not time to move the baby to the surgical area. God's wisdom is incredible!)
*for baby Autumn and family. She is 7 days and is fighting for her life. Her parents are Jessica and Jason and they are very young parents walking on an unbelievable hard path.
*rest for Mel and Austan and all the family.
*and a prayer of thanksgiving that baby Andrew is doing very well. His grandfather, Paul, shared that he has turned the corner to recovery!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy birthday to our favorite 1 week old! We have so much to celebrate so tonight that's just what we did, we celebrated Witt.
In the past 7 days...
We have learned to trust Him more than ever before.
We have learned the necessity of being "real" with one another.
We have learned to love one another at all times.
***Karen would like everyone to pray very specifically that God intercedes and rearranges Witt's far, the doctors are baffled because they can't confirm Trisomy 18!!!
You go, God!!!
I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for your precious words of encouragement...the kind words from those we know and love and the sweet messages from perfect strangers has helped to open our eyes to the beauty of this most difficult walk we are on!!! I have never seen God's Hand more clearly...His tender, loving touch sustains us!
God's Grace IS Sufficient!!! Praise Him!
Please join us in prayers of praise and thanksgiving!!!
***Karen just emailed...9:15am...they have begun the test on Witt's stomach and it should take about 45 minutes...the doctor should be able to share the results with Austan immediately!!! Please pray for Austan as he is in there alone with Witt.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Your prayer and support tonight and tomorrow are needed more than ever for Witt. Witt's parents, Melanie and Austan thank you for your continued love.
Witt's lungs are clear after a chest x-ray this afternoon. We are still waiting on test results that we hope to hear about tomorrow. Witt was not under the lights today as his color has dramatically improved from yesterday. He also had all breathing assistance removed and was doing great on his own.
We received so many comments and prayers today and we so appreciate the faithfulness that you all have. Keep them coming and know that God is in the room with Witt. We pray that the miracles of healing will glorify our God as Witt is strengthened throughout the day.
They have found that his stomach is enlarged so they will do a test for that soon (today). Please pray specifically at this time for the stomach blockage to clear.
We are still waiting for the chromosomal test results. Once those arrive the doctors will be able to make some more decisions as to what can be done for sweet baby Witt.
He can't survive very long being sustained through IVs alone. Once again we near the end of what medicine is able to do which gives God a chance to really His glory!
Please join us in praying Psalm 29:11
"The Lord gives strength to His people (Melanie and Austan);
the Lord blesses His people with strength."
The other day Mel asked me, "Isn't enough enough?" Oh my goodness, from my human perspective this walk seems like enough. I want to say "uncle," a cry of surrender, for Witt, for Mel, for Austin! Instead I have to say "El Shaddai," The One Who is Enough! I call out to El Shaddai for the One Who is Enough. I call to the One Who can strengthen them, to the One Who can comfort them, to the One Who can heal them. He is Enough. He is all they need. I am asking El Shaddai to reveal Himself to Witt, Melanie and Austan right now and forever!
They have only given him one "serving" of milk and haven't been able to give any more. The doctors were hoping to this morning at 6am but couldn't.
They just took a chest x-ray. They are not too concerned about this part but there is a little fluid in his chest.
We are awaiting the final test results on chromosomes which will hopefully come in today or tomorrow.
He's still under lights for jaundice.
He is also still the most precious baby...of course I am biased!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
*Witt's cool goggles are there to protect his sweet eyes from the spotlight he was under today to treat his jaundice.

The Lord gave these words to Witt's Grandma Vickie more than 5 years ago and she has been singing them and saving them for her future grandchildren ever since. And nod that day has come! She is a proud grandmother and wants to share these sweet words for Witt at bedtime...
Your heavely father he loves you so
there's no need to fear what the night may hold
His love is strong, kind, secure
on all these things you can be sure
You're one of Jesus little lambs
you are so special
your life's in his hands
And don't forget just why he came
to save the world from sin and shame
Now rest your head and close your eyes
it won't be long till morning is nigh
He is your light, your life, your way,
Jesus is with you
night and day
I love you Witt!
*The heart shows to be totally fine! There appears to be no cardio. issue at all, which is an amazing discovery!
*Witt is a little jaundice. They said it is just in the same way that so many babies have jaundice though and should get better.
*They decided to start him on some breastmilk today. This is huge news! Mel has been diligently pumping without even knowing whether Witt would ever be allowed to have milk. We are thrilled that he will be fed some several times today. He is acting quite hungry and the milk could also help with jaundice.
*Later today they hope to test the kidneys to determine if there is reflux or blockage and find out more information on how to treat our little buddy.
Thank you for sharing in all of our concerns and praises. Your faithful prayers are what we need most!
The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is his name. Exodus 15:2-3
Monday, October 27, 2008
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Psalm 27: 13-14
As the day comes to an end we want to always thank our many friends, new friends, and extended family members who have taken up the call to petition God for Witt Lupher. The outpouring of love through your words and comments still blows us away every time we read of your faithful prayers for Witt. His day was filled with mom and dad taking care of him and the nurses and doctors watching over him as he completed another glorious day with us. Many of us got to hear his voice today as the sounds of crying filled his room. Melanie, his mom was quick to hold and comfort him and to reassure him that she was there and it was okay. To be honest, I was a little overcome with emotion as I watched my daughter and grandson together. Their closeness and bond is fun to watch grow. God's love fills Witt's room. Praise hymns interrupt the sounds of monitors that occasionally beep, seemingly just out of habit. Verses from God's word surround his bed and constant prayer stands at his door, guarding Witt each hour of the day.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to remember Witt everyday. Your prayers are making a tremendous difference. We would love to meet all of you someday...have a blessed night.
R- witt at 4 days old
can you see the family resemblance? i know i can!
it is so interesting to me what a difference perspective makes. when i saw adelaide fall asleep like this back in january i wondered how she could possibly sleep on her changing pad in such an uncomfortable position. now it is 9 months later. yesterday i was in witt's room watching him squirm and squirm until he finally positioned himself like this. it suddenly looked like the most comfortable way i'd ever seen a sweet newborn sleep. i loved watching him peacefully snooze in his crib.
right now i don't know what words to pray but i am thankful to know that is okay. my prayers don't have to be perfectly phrased or all-knowing. that is not my role anyway. the important part is to pray without ceasing and always remember that God is listening.
in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. we do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. -romans 8:26
I have been trying to write this note all morning. I am just not sure where to start. This is a heartache I have never come close to feeling before but I have never been carried by God this way before. I have never been so downcast in my soul before, but God has never reached so deep to bring me up. I have never argued with God like this before or never not understood His ways like this before but I have never had God speak and minister to me like this before. I say this to you guys to say that I have never been so devastated and I have never been so lifted up. Right now I have no understanding of Gods ways, at least in this picture but He has poured His infinite faith into me so that I don't need to know why. I want everyone to know that I am not in a good place because I have not had anger and questions, but I am a good place because of the faithfulness of our God. My sister, Cheryl just sent an email expressing that Melanie and Austan are her heroes. Melanie and Austan are our heroes not because they haven't had true human emotions but they are our heroes because they have had those emotions and yet don't stay there. I have watched Melanie acknowledge her anger, her excruciating pain, her questions and yet she soars, she soars with Christ. In the midst of her feeling very down, I still have to look up to see her because she is being held by Christ. Mel and Austan are our heroes because Christ is their God. Indeed they "would have despaired unless they believed that they would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living"(Psalm 27:13). Some of that "goodness of the Lord" is that I was blessed to do my quiet time with Witt this morning! He held my finger in his tiny hand while God spoke. My quiet times are changed for ever. Thank you all again for the emails, phone calls, encouragement...they are priceless to me.
My brother-in-law, Jim, and Evan's sweet wife, Annalee, are maintaining a blog for Witt...I encourage you to read it...let Witt touch your life, too!!! I don't know if it was a post from Jim, Karen or Annalee but they admonished the reader to cherish every single day and not to "fix" anything tomorrow...we are only promised today. I owe it to Witt to live my life with that passion.
And, yes, there is something you can do for us...PRAY! Please join us in praying for compassion and mercy and the peace that surpasses all understanding!
God is Good!
*Mel and Austan are meeting with the doctor now. Please pray for comfort and understanding for whatever he is telling them.
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just an update...Austan came out and said they are going to give Witt a little help breathing, his lungs are doing well, but they are going to give him some assistance in the nasal area.
-Jim and Annalee
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Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. Psalm 105:4

Saturday, October 25, 2008
and Mel.
and Austan.

This is just a small list of the things that you have done to make me stop and smile...

Your personality is coming out more and more. Your mom and dad know you so well already. They see "you" in the way your eyebrows move with expression. They see "you" in the way you suck your pacifier with gusto.
We all see it in the way you can be snoozing uninterrupted by the monitors and beeps but turn and open an eye at the mere sound of your mom or dad's voice. I loved getting to see your many faces today. You showed off with your content face, concerned face, peaceful face, and intrigued face. Your little yawn is beyond precious. The way you wiggled and worked to get perfectly snug in your blanket melts my heart. You have taught us to pay attention to every detail and celebrate each moment.

The verses with which you have covered Witt's crib are perfect. Your prayers for him as he grow in you are still so applicable today. I'm so glad you are sharing those with Witt and each of us that visit. The way you eagerly walk across the streets between Witt's room and yours all day (and night) even though you are still healing yourself from the 30 hours you spent delivering him. Your willingness to choose discomfort in order to pump milk in hope of providing nourishment for your son. The pride in your voice as you talk about Witt taking his passy, getting his bath, sleeping, etc. Your honesty and sincerity in each and every situation.

That smile nobody can wipe off your face. The "proud dad" stance that exudes from you. The "proud husband" words that are a constant. Your eyes that are red and puffy from your raw emotions you openly share for your precious son and all of us. The way you can describe in detail each medical aspect of Witt's care and condition.
I love all 3 of you dearly
To Friends and Prayer Warriors
It’s amazing the impact a small baby can have on the life of so many people. Melanie and Austan are impacted more than anyone. They are the new parents of Witt Harris Lupher. On October 23rd, he struggled into new surroundings and to become a part of a family forever that was so happy to welcome him. The nurses and doctors were all helping, almost ministering to parents that were exhausted and struggling with the newness of what was to come. There was the joy of a new family member being announced by Austan, with his outstretched arms and saying, “It’s a boy!” The grandparents and all the family let out a collective shout for Austan and Melanie who have had to endure so much so fast as a couple.
God is teaching all of us some incredible truths throughout this season of our lives. Witt will only have a short time with us as he lives each day as a special gift from God. We have learned that each day is the most important day each of us has. We must never assume that we are going to “fix” something tomorrow. Each day our God has given us is a day that is filled with the hope of the Glory of God if we truly know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There will be times when God allows us to go through hard circumstances. It’s rare that we ever really know why, but God’s glory shines in some of the darkest places at just the right times. We need to keep an eye out for God at work all around us, not just in our lives, but in those we come into contact with everyday. Witt has given us all an opportunity to really see what is most important to each of us and to take that very seriously.
Throughout this beautiful little boy’s life so far, we have all felt tremendous emotions. That is a good thing. Witt has the Spirit of God living in him just as we have the Holy Spirit in us. Witt’s spirit connects us all to God in some unexpected ways. First, of all he made parents of two beautiful, gifted people that are doing a great job of parenting in the most difficult situation you could think of. If you haven’t seen Austan holding Witt and talking to the nurses and doctors, you haven’t seen an amazing dad. The joy and love in Austan’s eyes says it all. Melanie has surrounded Witt’s bed with the verses she prayed over him during her pregnancy. She has taken 30 hours of labor and almost completely recovered in a day with the strength and skill for motherhood that blows us away. You have taken the opportunity to not only to love on the Luphers, Austan, Mel and Witt, but to allow the body of Christ to shine on this family through prayer and comfort.
So as a family we thank the friends and prayer warriors for your outpouring of love and prayers that has made a lasting impact on us all. Our joy is that we know you and know that you have made a powerful difference in what we as a family have been through the last few days. We hope that you are able to share in the lives of Witt, Melanie and Austan as we are for as long as God allows. May God’s blessings reach each of you in ways as great as our God.

I have been here by myself with Witt almost 3 hours. He is doing fine. He has the heartbeat of a jogger. Slow and steady. He has been checked for all vitals and gone back to sleep. He is excited that its the weekend so I would assume he will sleep in most of the day. He doesn't mind a prayer or two either every so often. He may not be the biggest kid in the neighborhood, but he knows how to get the nurses moving. God is sure moving in the lives of everyone here.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
we rejoice that he is finally here and love him immensely already. we are praying fervently for him and specifically his health. right now he is getting help breathing and testing is being done on his lungs and for other things. each and every prayer is coveted for this precious child of God. we know He is faithful in all situations and we ask His comfort especially in the days ahead.
12:00 UPDATE
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Mel and Austan especially need all your thoughts and prayers.
Their courage baffles me.