He was on his way to the pediatrician's office for the regular flu and swine flu shot! He's doing just fine today!
I wanted to take the time to mention the raffle that is going on in conjunction with the golf tournament fundraiser all being done by the Wee Dream Foundation. What an incredible job these people are doing! Here are the items in the raffle:
~1 year residential power from Spark Energy (up to $3,500)
~Lodging for 5 days/4 nights at a beachfront condo in South Padre
~Autographed George Strait Hat & T-shirt
~$200 gift card from Cova Wines
~$250 gift card from Urban Retreat
~Lodging in Cabo Condo (June 5-12, 2010)
~San Antonio Family Weekend Getaway
~Lodging for 3 days/2 nights in Matagorda
~Lodging for 4 days/3 nights in Alto, NM
If you are interested at all in buying raffle tickets for a chance at these prizes email Angie at mailto:agoings@lan-inc.com!!!
Here also is an excerpt for the Wee Dream website about the bracelets:
We have bracelets!
These sweet bracelets (eco-friendly, recycled silicone even!) are light blue on the outside and pink on the inside (for our babies!) and say "for witt and elle". Send $5.00 cash or check (and your mailing address) to Angie will get you yours today (or tomorrow via snail mail)! ALL PROCEEDS will go toward our friends, the Luphers.Angie Goings; 14522 Dunsmore Place; Cypress, TX 77429You can also pay via PayPal (send funds to agoings@lan-inc.com) - be sure to note that it's for a bracelet (or two, three, four...) and include the mailing address. It'll be in the mail and to you in no time! :)
I am amazed and more than grateful for all the effort put forward to help both Lupher families with the medical bills. I am praising God and thanking Him for His provision!!!
Hopefully, the only infectious thing around
the house is Witt's laugh!
Witt continues to do well! Melanie is in the process of starting his physical and occupational therapy again. They are trying to work out a scenario where Witt doesn't have to go the the hospital once a week(and be exposed to everything there) but keep his two wonderful therapists, Stephanie and Jennifer. Please pray that the insurance issues get worked out for that to happen.
Witt is almost a year...unbelievable! Sometimes I go back and read from the first couple of weeks of Witt's life. I am in awe of our God! I am in awe because no matter what was happening He was there. He was undoubtedly there in the celebrations but most definitely there through the excruciating pain. Maybe that's one of the most valuable truths I have learned...He is with us....Emmanuel... but He is Emmanuel for all times! He is with us in the mountain tops but more importantly He is there in the valleys...the valleys of pain and suffering. Its why I can live today and look to tomorrow and be told not to worry. He is with me, He is with Melanie, He is with Austan, He is with Witt for all our todays and whatever our tomorrows hold!
A good morning talk from Witt!
Nap Time!
Thank you to each of you...I pray today that God be glorified as He pours out His blessings in your lives!!!!~Karen
A very thoughtful blogger, Brittney, came up with such a special way for blog readers to be a part of celebrating Witt's upcoming 1st birthday (that is just 16 days away)! And thanks to the generosity and talent of Ashley Allen, this gift is already underway.
As always, we are blown away by all the generosity and love that you continually pour out on Witt and our family. Your prayers are the best gift we could ever receive, so we truly hope you don't feel any pressure to participate in this extra gift. However, if you do want to be a part of this wonderful blessing you can click on the picture below for more information!
So Handsome!
I was born on October 23, 2008. I weighed 5 pounds, 5 ounces and was 19 inches long. Austan and Melanie Lupher are my loving parents here on Earth. My heavenly Father is sharing me with them. I am a miracle and a blessing to countless.