Witt and Elmo had a long night!

Witt continues to have frequent, very loose stools. Right now he is being fed formula and pedialyte through his gtube...the formula for some calories and the pedialyte for more fluid. The total amount is one and a half maintenance but that is constantly changing as blood test results come in. Witt is also receiving fluid by IV. The doctors are doing a wonderful job of keeping Witt hydrated and yet not overloaded. Yesterday the attending also ordered an IgG test. The best I understand is that this has to do with Witt's immunoglobulin(Ig) or antibodies present in his blood. Witt is on day 9 of this adenovirus with no real improvement. One thing that might be happening is that he just isn't producing enough Ig to fight this off. If this level is low he can actually be given Ig by IV(wow...buy a vowel!). Melanie and all the doctors are keeping a very close eye on how Witt looks and his oxygen saturation levels. They want to be sure he doesn't begin to look puffy and require more oxygen which would be a good indication that he has too much fluids.
Witt still loves a good ride!
"The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."
Proverbs 16:9
Recently Jim and I have changed some plans because of Witt's hospital stay. It might have been easy to get upset over these changes but we have a great example in Austan and Melanie. We have watched as their plans have been turned upside-down and yet they are called to still make plans on a daily basis and even plans for the future all the while knowing they may or may not come to pass. We have watched Melanie and Austan live out the plans that God has for them. We have watched them walk in very detailed steps that are far different than they planned in their minds and yet there is joy! When our plans are changed there can be great disappointment or peace and joy. We can choose to hang on to our plans and most assuredly find disappointment or let go, trust the Lord and most assuredly find Him, His peace, His joy!
Please pray that Witt will begin to get over this virus. Please pray for God's wisdom in treating him and keeping the right balance of fluids. And please pray that Mel, Austan and all of us continue to simply seek the Lord and His direction and that in His steps we find Him!!!