Monday, March 2, 2009


Here's my prayer request: that Melanie and Austan would be walking in the exact steps that God has for Witt right here and now at this hospital. The situation is incredibly frustrating! Once again we are waiting for cardiology to say his heart is okay. They want to do more echo cardiograms and EKGs before they will call in pulmonary. Melanie has asked for his regular cardiologist to be paged. Just last Tuesday Witt was once again given a clean bill of health for his heart and taken off all heart medicine. At times (he did this in front of the cardiologist) Witt does breathe fast. He is trying to get more air. The cardiologist said this has nothing to do with his heart which is fine. He said Witt now needs to be seen by the lungs specialists and ENT doctors to see why he is still on oxygen (in fact the oxygen had to be turned up last week) and why sometimes he has to breathe harder to get the air he needs. It could be anything from the actual structure of his airways to his lungs. But here we sit not getting his lungs checked out yet. We trust God, we trust God's leading! I just want nothing or no one to get in the way of what God wants for Witt. If it's to get his heart checked again, that's long as its God's leading! Melanie is struggling to cope as any mom would. She desperately wants what's best for Witt and will fight for it! Austan is being our rock and yet needs God's strength and wisdom as he leads his family. I need prayer to not get buried in the circumstances and miss God. I just went down to the 3rd floor PICU waiting room (where the best coffee is!). My mind was totally taken over by frustration and I almost missed what God had for me. As I walked out of the waiting room I heard a man cuss behind me. I turned quickly and just looked at him with disgust and turned back around. Not my greatest moment! I heard God sweetly say my name. I turned back to the man, who immediately apologized for his comment and asked him if it was a long night. That's all I said and he shared his story with me. His stepson has had a heart transplant but now a couple of years later seems to be rejecting the heart. He has been married previously and his ex-wife is angry that he is there and not with his daughters. I simply asked him if he was a believer. He said yes, absolutely. I said then you have to do what God is telling you to do and unfortunately that will probably upset some human but that as a believer he answers to God. That was it, but it was such a God opportunity. I didn't tell him what was right or wrong...I didn't know...just that he should please God. Such a wonderful blessing to encourage someone that I almost missed because I was letting circumstances steal my focus. Each of us, me, Austan and Mel need God right now in very specific ways and that's what I ask you to pray for us...that God show Himself to us. I know the God who is able to meet all our needs will be faithful to answer!


Immeasurably More Mama said...

Praying for God to reveal Himself to all of you in very real ways.

Catherine said...

I have been following your blog from the beginning and pray for Witt each day. I can only imagine how hard this all is on his little body. He has a very strong family behind him...bravo to you all for your strength and faith. My heart breaks to hear that he is back in the hospital. I pray for a quick recovery and great health to follow! GOD BLESS!!!

Unknown said...
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Mindy said...

I am so touched that you were able to share God's truth. Sometimes, we get lost in "us" and forget that for every thing, there is a season. God continues to bless. Prayers continue. ~Mindy

Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for baby Witt and am in utter awe of your strength. You inspire so many with your amazing faith. I truly feel the presence of God just reading your words. May God's blessings be with you all.

Love, Melba