Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Still not really anything new from doctors here! Witt's feeds have now been adjusted to more closely fit the schedule he was on at home. The doctors have very carefully calculated the number of feeds, calories and liquid. The breast milk is being fortified a ton so that Witt is getting much more calories but not more breast milk. Since he is on a diuretic to pull fluid off, they don't want to increase the amount of fluid he already gets. Here is what we do know from the latest blood work done yesterday: the numbers that needed to change have definitely changed in the right direction. The doctor mentioned that Witt has now been stable for several days. One of the indicators of how hard the heart is having to work is a hormone that can be measured in the blood. That level is still a little high at 129 but it was in the 700's when he came in! The prayer needed today is for wisdom...wisdom to make the right decision about the cardiac cath test. This would require Witt to be knocked out completely (and intubated). Melanie and Austan both are against this right now but need to be sure they have all the information before they actually decide. Actually, God will have the final say but He expects Mel and Austan to collect all the information so He can clearly lead them. Please pray for them in making this decision and that an overwhelming peace will affirm it!

My View!

Witt's View!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Witt,

Get well soon.

The Wienies

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Praying for wisdom!

Jenn said...

I will continue to pray for our little guy!I love the pictures! What a charmer!
Love you guys