Thursday, February 5, 2009


Last night I went back and read the first couple of weeks of Witt’s blog. I am in awe (not shocked because I know all things truly are possible with God) and I am humbled. I am awed and humbled by the very presence, activity and power of God but I am also awed and humbled by all of you who read about and pray for Witt and our family. I was reminded again that God is in control of Witt’s life. God, however, also reminded me that He is equally in control of all of our lives and wants to be equally involved if we would just let Him! I have said this many times, but with Witt it is very apparent the need for God and his reliance on Him. Each of us has the very same need. It’s just with Witt our “blinders” have been removed. Today I ask that you join me in prayers for all of us…that God would remove the “blinders” from our own eyes and let us see that our need for God is no less than Witt’s need and dependence on God in his life. God desires…He is waiting to be as active in our lives as we see Him in Witt’s. He is waiting to impact the world through us just as He is through Witt. How long will we make Him wait? Today will you pray that we live out the gospel and live in its power? Pray that today we are crucified with Christ so that the very life of Christ and all His power can live through us. I believe God is being magnified through Witt’s life…I desire the same for each of us!!!


trash talk said...

I have joined you today in prayer and am feeling so much that words cannot express. Bless you. Debbie

Cassie said...

That's exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you for your words!

Gayle said...

AMEN and AMEN! One day at a time with our Father's guidance, love, comfort, and peace for our lives. Oh what joy! How true that we sometimes see that need in others but not in our own lives. God created us for fellowship with Him. How we need to pray for the blinders to be off!
We love you all dear family and are so blessed to be on this journey with our God!

Bobby and Gayle