Witt has not felt great the last couple of days. He's had some diarrhea which for Witt can become a serious problem. They caught it early though. The cardiologist had them change his feeds and hold off on some of his diuretics. He is still not able to back to his normal feeds but he also doesn't seem to be dehydrated. This is always a major concern with Witt since the goal is to keep him as dry as possible which helps his lungs but the cardiologists certainly do not want him dehydrated. I am very grateful for the very specific wisdom about Witt that God has given the doctors, and especially Melanie and Austan!

This past week Melanie and Austan had to change out Witt's trach tube. This needs to be done once a month and this was the first time for them to do it at home. This involves taking the old trach out, putting the new one in and "bagging" Witt to help with his breathing and keep his oxygen saturation up until he can be hooked back up to the ventilator. I am amazed and grateful!! I am grateful that God continues to equip Mel and Austan to accomplish whatever is needed for Witt's care and I am amazed at how they handle all this!!!

Mel& austan are Such good parents!! Gotta love-em!!!
Sure do love you guys! Still praying for you all and think of you constantly. You all amaze me. God amazes me!!!
What a wonderful loving God we serve! He has blessed Mel and Austan with the strength and love to do all they need to do for their precious son, Witt. Many of us have never walked this path they are on. They witness to us with the grace and love in which they handle each step. It is so evident that the Good Lord guides and directs their way. They are precious people and loving parents. We love the joy we see in their pictures.
We love you all and continue to lift you in prayer.
Bobby and Gayle
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