Our pastor said it very well this morning when he said, "Mom’s are the light of the world for their children". A mom's light shines a beautiful glow of love around the things that give their children life. Witt has four great grandmothers, two grandmothers, and one mother that have provided time; prayer and love to a little boy who has needed more than most of us will our entire lives.Thank you Vicki and Karen for the sacrifices you have made for your children, as they have tirelessly needed to be the light of the world for Witt. Your examples have made this journey Melanie and Austan have walked the light for them. Thank you for being the great mothers you are and the grandmothers you have become.
God brings mothers and babies together. His perfect love has given Witt my daughter Melanie, who’s love for Witt never ceases to amaze me. She almost effortlessly moves between being nurse, mother and wife. Mel has become an advocate mother for Witt when difficult decisions needed to be made. She has trusted the spirit of Christ to lead her and guide her along this path. Do difficult days lie ahead? Most assuredly, but with the prayers of mothers (and fathers) certainly being lifted up everyday, Mel and Austan will have a strength that gives Witt the light he will need to live his life.
Witt doesn’t speak yet, but if he could, he might say today with outstretched arms, “thank you for being my mom, I love you this much!” His smile at lunch today said it all for me every time he looked at Melanie, "Hi Mom, I love you!"
Mothers...enjoy your day and know that you are truly a blessing from God.

Dear Melanie,
I have been following your precious Witt's journey, since Dec 09, I just wanted to wish you a very blessed and Happy Mother's Day!
Precious post, Jim!
Happy, Happy Mother's Day, Mel!
Seeing those beautiful smiles on the Grandmothers' faces, your face and Sweet Witt's face speaks loud and clear about the love of God.
We love you all very much!
Bob, Gayle, Alicia, Mark, Britnee, and Luke
What a beautiful post, Jim! I am constantly in awe of Mel and the mother she has become. Witt is a very blessed little man to be surrounded by so many strong, loving, precious Christian women. And, I dearly love each of them!
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