Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Yesterday Witt had a good day. He was smiling and alert. Last night however he spiked a fever of 102. He has been tested again for all the common viruses. This afternoon as I was leaving the hospital Melanie let me know that she thought Witt was getting worse. She said he looked puffy which means he is holding fluid. The 4:00pm blood gas showed that his CO2 was 100! I headed right back to the hospital. Witt has now been put on Bipap from Cpap. They will do another blood gas soon. The fear is that Witt will have to go back on the ventilator. I know I usually have specific requests but I find myself at a loss of words...kneeling at the throne of grace just saying: "Please, Lord,Your perfect will. Please, Lord, let Your mercy and grace flow!"

1 comment: said...

Joining you right now in lifting Witt's needs up to His Father in heaven... He knows exactly what Witt needs right now.
