Monday, December 28, 2009


Witt is now on the 15th floor in a step down room! Yesterday late afternoon it was decided to go ahead and move Witt. His chest x-ray looked good and the bed space was needed in the PICU. He is in a step down room so that he can still be monitored closely. The cardiologists think he is doing good. The plan now is to make slow changes one at a time. Witt is still off his enalapril and still getting extra diuretic. The doctor wants to start up his enalapril. That will be the only change in his medications today. Dr. Knudson is the fellow cardiologist that will be taking the lead on Witt starting tomorrow. He was an integral part of Witt's care this fall so we are excited to have him again. The nurses can't believe how much Witt has grown in the 3 months since he was here. No time frame has been mentioned for going home but we have learned to take it one day at a time!!!

Hanging out waiting for the move!

1 comment:

Preemie Donna said...

That is wonderful news. Will keep praying for you all.