Thursday, November 12, 2009


Witt is off oxygen! Not sure exactly how God accomplished it...maybe it was the extra diuretic but he's definitely better. Dr. Macicek wants to see him again in a couple of weeks which will be right before Thanksgiving. Glory!


Kay Ostrom said...

FANTASTIC! Gotta love that lasix...i know i do!

Debbie Mueller said...

Praise God!! He IS in CONTROL! Such a little blessing.

rise' said...

Love that picture!! Another favorite....

Mindy said...

Hoorah! This is great news! ~Mindy

Gayle said...

Thank you, LORD!!! Great news and a super picture!!
Love you all,
Bobby and Gayle

Marjie Murff said...

Praise God! You will all have a lot to celebrate this Thanksgiving! Prayers continue for Witt (and Elle)!