Wow....Witt is still of oxygen and shows no signs of needing it!!!! Mel got to carry Witt back to my bedroom for the first time! While on oxygen he could only go about 30 feet from his oxygen tank. His feeds are now 4 times a day(6am, noon, 6pm and midnight) and last for 2 1/2 hours. His days and nights are still a little turned around but its great to have him home. I tried to think of something incredibly "Christian" to say to sum up what I am feeling right now but its this simple phrase that God keeps bringing to my mind: "but Christ"!!! That is what our lives(Witt's life) are about...but Christ! Last week at the antique show God clearly told me that the last 3 days were going to be a huge success(lots of people) for the cafe. Now, Thursday wasn't that surprising to me because it was Prom Night. Friday, neither because the Harbor Light choir(Salvation Army) sings for us and the weather was great. But Saturday definitely needed a "but Christ"!! There is absolutely no explanation for the amounts of people because it poured rain all day. Never before have we served that much food when it fact we usually just close but the people kept coming. No explanation but God! I look at Witt and marvel. Witt's life continues to be one "but Christ" after another. Dr. Morales didn't think Witt would ever be able to go home without more surgery...but Christ! There had even been talk when Witt was in the PICU that he might have to go on a permanent ventilator...but Christ! Witt has been on oxygen since December...but Christ! God gets the final say in Witt's life and in our lives. I don't know what God's final says will be...many, many are filled with pain, but I know God and knowing that He does get the final say leaves me filled with peace. Thank you, Lord that there is always a "but Christ" no matter our circumstances!
Here are some pictures and video from last week!

So Handsome!
We would be nothing...but Christ!
He is beautiful with or without the line and he looks just like you. This post makes me so happy and thankful to be a child of God!
He is the most handsome little guy! And his chubby little hands, they just get me! He is a miracle! As you said Karen, just like my parents used to say....But God! And no oxygen...that is AWESOME! I share his pictures with my husband and we have watched his progress right from the start. He sure lights up our faces.
Mel got to carry him to your bedroom. This could be thought of by some as a small thing. I see it was a but Christ moment. What a large step in the direction we love to see. Witt continues to remind us....but Christ. ~Mindy
Our God is MIGHTY!! Nothing, absolutely nothing, is impossible with HIM. I'm in awe.
I'm so humbled by what God has done for Witt and through Witt; there are simply no stated it well enough, anyway! My heart is bursting with joy!!
What precious moments and pictures of precious Witt!
How Great is our God! His plans and His timing! I know Karen really loved seeing Witt in her room.
Keeping all of you in our prayers! We love you.
Bobby and Gayle
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