Thursday, August 13, 2009


Witt is resting now...still not feeling great but he is resting well.


Erin Drez said...

He is so cute!!! The face of an angel!!

Unknown said...

Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you...." tells me that we don't have to worry about today's plan, we just cling to Him and trust in Him. I am so proud of Melanie for being such a great mommy. She certainly had a great role model!! The days in the hospital have to growing long, but you are in our prayers daily and will continue to be. Thanks for updating this blog so often. It is the first thing I check every morning before my time with God so He and I can discuss things!!!

Mindy said...

Take it from me. Resting comfortably is a blessing. Good for Witt. ~Mindy

rise' said...

Rest well, Little Man.

Jenn said...

We continue to pray for our little guy! We are praying for comfort and rest. We love you all!
Jenn & Joseph

sonja said...

Boy have we all grown to love this baby boy. His little face just gets my heart. I pray for a good night for Witt and for rest for Mel and Karen and Austan. I will be gone for a few days but as soon as I get home, I will be checking my daily blog, to see how Witt is doing. Love you guys!