Friday, August 14, 2009


Witt is feeling a little better today. His osat and respiratory are doing a little better too! The doctors are not worried about this little set back. Witt's fluid balance ended up at 210ml positive. Today he will not get the extra lasix by IV. Even though Witt is not reacting too well to the breathing treatments the doctors want him to still get it twice a day. This treatment really helps to expand the lungs. Witt's stomach(or abdomen) is still bothering him but not as bad. A gastro specialist is going to be called in also to take a look at Witt. Most likely, Witt will need to be followed by gastro specialist anyway since he is on a feeding tube. The doctors said at rounds that they are very pleased with where Witt is in his recovery. They said he has been making good progress. It seems like slow progress but the fellow said there have actually been big changes. They want to sort of push Witt to the limit of change he can tolerate each day but not so much that he has set backs! For today they have ordered no changes. Witt is doing better and they want to give him a break!!

Good Morning!


Stephanie said...

Good morning precious little Witt. I haven't commented in awhile but I am still checking in on you. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling a little better today. My prayers contine for the tiny forward steps. Prayers~from Missouri

Ghi said...

I am praying for continued "baby steps" in the right direction (home)!! Witt is so precious, his face just warms my heart!!

rise' said...


Anonymous said...

It is soooo coool to get to check this blog everyday to see how our little man is doing, hope he keeps up the good work & gets to go home soon! Hope mommy & daddy& grandma & all the rest of his family is taking care of themselves, too! See ya'll soon! Nita

Jenn said...

We love you little guy! We pray that you continue to feel better!