Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Witt seems to be in a vicious circle with fluid balance, diuretics, urinating, breathing, heart. So many things all hinge on each other! Everything just is out of balance. We don't know anything on the heart valve. The doctors said the carbon dioxide level is affecting Witt's heart. The overload of fluid is affecting his lungs and since they had been worried about the diuretic pulling too much sodium he was taken off that. BUT Witt wasn't urinating real well probably due to the surgery (going on the bypass machine really can affect kidneys) and he has been given great amounts of Motrin even by IV. Witt has now been catheterized to get some of the fluid out of his body. Renal was called in and is not worried but they will watch Witt closely! Witt is also getting some blood! Please Lord, intervene and touch Witt...touch him directly...remove Witt out of this vicious circle!!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

We pray that God touhes our sweet Witt with his healing hands. Please Lord, intervene and protect this precious baby! Praying for all of you! Love you!
Jenn & Joseph