Today Witt had a follow up appointment with the cardiologist. We did not get bad news and in fact there is no fluid around his heart, it just once again makes me realize how glad I am that God is in control and I am not! I praise the One Who is Sovereign, Who has all wisdom and knowledge and I gladly bend my knees to Him! We were told that even though Witt's lungs sound clear, the x-ray still shows them to be a little wet and Witt is still on a very small amount of oxygen. We have known that Witt has a small leaky valve and that remains. The cardiologists are putting him on medication to help the leaky valve to make sure this is not the reason why his lungs are at this point a little wet and he is still on oxygen. Its here that I would normally ask everyone to join me in a very specific prayer but I am not sure what would be best for Witt! It actually might be best if the valve were causing the lungs to be a little wet and the medication would take care of it, it might be that he is still just getting over the virus or it might be something more with the lungs that we need to check into...I don't know! God knows and the Holy Spirit intercedes for us! I would ask you each to join me in praying that the utmost glory is given to God by doing His best for Witt! Witt will start his new medication tomorrow and will return to the cardiologist in 2 weeks. In the meantime, I do pray we are able to take him off his oxygen but I am at total peace knowing that God is in control...Karen
A sleepy boy after the doctor's visit!