Sunday, December 25, 2011


The month of December has been full of joy and blessings for us!!! It seems the greatest gifts have involved wheels!!! First, THE LUPHERS GOT THEIR VAN!!!! Melanie fondly calls it "The Beast"!!! It is beautiful and in Melanie's words, "It has literally changed our lives!"

It has impacted all our lives. The entire family got to ride together on a road trip to see the McCords in New Braunfels! Before the van, only Melanie, Austan and Witt could ride together in one vehicle because of Witt's equipment. And Melanie had to ride in the backseat to be by Witt. Now in the van, Mel can ride up front and quickly get to Witt if needed!!

Witt also received his new wheels, a new larger kid cart!! He has had the first one for almost 2 years and has grown quite a bit!! I will always have great memories of his first set of wheels...the ones that Melanie and Austan used to wheel Witt out of the hospital almost 2 years ago!! He has only been back once for a stomach virus and that was a 18 months ago!!!

Last Sunday our pastor, Curtis Jones(at Bayou City Fellowship!) spoke about the favor of God. He pointed out that Christ was the favor of God given to Mary and that with favor comes responsibility. I have always known that Witt is more than a blessing but now I believe that Witt is the very favor of God!! And yes, with Witt there is much responsibility but with God's favor comes God's strength to accomplish it! This Christmas day I thank my God for His favor poured out on Mary, for His favor poured out on Melanie and Austan...thank You for Christ, thank You for Witt!!!
AND, please join me in praying for the families spending this Christmas in a hospital. We remember what that is like. Pray that Christ presents Himself to them as the One True Gift!!!!

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