Friday, July 10, 2009


Mel and Austan have not talked to Dr. Morales yet but they just got word that Witt is closed up and is having another echo now. We don't have any real definite idea about recovery but have been told that he'll most likely go to CVICU then PICU then a room on 15. Poor little guy will be in a lot of pain.

The mood here has been incredibly upbeat...lots of laughter from all 23 of us in the waiting room with a 6 person limit per patient!!! In all honesty, God's presence is so very OBVIOUS! Your prayers have lifted us...may God bless YOU today!

We will update just as soon as Dr. Morales comes in with his report!


Beicker Bunch said...

23 people - God rocks!


Mindy said...

Just got all the posts from this morning. In the words of my Aggie botfriend, "WHOOP!" Yee Haw, God! ~Mindy

trash talk said...

Kepp the good news coming and I'll keep praying! Praise God!