Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Witt is off the vent and on the CPAP!!! Praise God...He is good ALWAYS!

Please join us now as we pray that Witt's osat (oxygen saturation) stays up and respiratory rate stays down...basically, we really, really need for Witt to take nice, long, deep breaths.

These next days, maybe weeks, will be critical as we wait to see if Witt's heart is able to function properly and control the fluid build up. The doctors don't know what caused the fluid that sent Witt back to PICU this last time. There are several possibilities and we are fervently praying that it was simply a setback from the surgery. Remember, Witt was moved to a regular, low care level room only 3 short days after open heart surgery. There is a very real chance that he just needed more "help" in the days after.

When Witt was moved back to PICU, Karen shared with me something has really made a huge impact on me. She said that God does not take 2 steps forward and 1 step back...His Perfect Plan is always moving forward!!! God knows no setbacks!!!

"So much confidence is packed into the assertion of God's forward march."
-Witt's Great-Great Aunt Nita (No one lives up to that title more than our precious Nita, Grandmama's sister. She is so kind and tender and loving and we simply ADORE her!!!)

Praying and Praising!!!


trash talk said...

Absolute praise! Wonderful news. This happened with Bella too. I think they moved too swiftly in sending her to "step down" and introducing the bottle feed. This resulted in her having to go back and the Cpap being put back. This wasn't God's plan for her, but the doctors. Now, she has been moved back down and steps are being made to get her ready to come home...this time on God's plan!
I'll continue to pray for nice, long deep breaths and complete healing from God!

Debbie Mueller said...

God is so Good! HE IS IN CONTROL! Continually praying.

Country Garden Antiques said...

Keeping vigil with you all. Gina Alan & Ben

Mindy said...

Praising, indeed! I love to hear such wonderful, positive news. Go Witt! And Thank You, God! ~Mindy