Friday, June 19, 2009


I sit here with my hands on the keys but don't know quite where to start. Yes actually I do...God is good, God is Faithful, God is Mighty! He never changes which means no matter what we are walking through God's attributes...Who He is cannot and does not change!! The cardiologists talked with Melanie a little bit ago. It's not that we really heard anything majorly different from yesterday it just seemed to hit hard. But God who is Faithful regardless is lifting us up! I will try to sum up what was said. First, any issues that the lungs might have is caused from the heart...the lungs themselves are in good shape. The catheter test showed that the valve is opening okay but still an issue with closing. With as many answers they got yesterday, they are left with more questions because of the answers. Some things just don't add up. Part of Witt's heart is acting stiff. It could be in part from having fluid around it exerting pressure. We do know that very little fluid affects Witt's heart. It could be the heart muscle itself and with that comes a wide range of possible scenarios from okay to not good at all. Once again its all the unknowns. Mel and Austan are walking without knowing much. They are very clearly walking in a way that I think God wants us all to walk. They have to walk in total dependence on God...knowing that He does know all things. He knows all things concerning Witt's heart even if the doctors don't and God is not revealing it yet. The cardiologists don't have too much in their plan because of all the unknowns but they are taking some steps. Within about 30 minutes a PICC line is planned to go in for a blood transfusion. This should help Witt feel better. They are trying to wean him off the is a slow but steady process. The are scheduling to put a "window" in the sac around the heart so if fluid continues to come back it would collect in the bigger sac around the lungs. Most likely at the time of this procedure the surgeon will also take an actual look at the mitro valve. Sometimes in order to get a definitive answer on the valve the doctor just has to look at it. He would decide right there and do surgery on it if needed. That will probably take place next week. We don't have any idea when and once again its the week end and things in the hospital come to a screeching halt unless its an emergency. Please continue to pray for God to pour out wisdom on the cardiologists. There is no doubt that God is in control. There is no doubt that God is our Strength!!


trash talk said...

I am asking the Lord for the doctors to seek higher counsel from the One who holds all the answers. I pray also for much to be revealed to y'all in the coming days. I pray for rest and strength to come to y'all over the weekend. Finally, I pray y'all will feel the love coming to you in waves.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog by accident but am so glad that I did. I check it often during the day to check in on little Witt. He is sure precious and a true gift from God. I pray that you all are able to get better answers soon, Please know that even though we don't know each other at all I pray for Witt and his family everyday.

Ghi said...

Prayers for you to our living God Who hears all and promises answers. Hope you can get some rest this weekend to be strong and ready to face the battle next week, Just know you have many prayer warriors going into this battle with you. Much love to you and yours!

sonja said...

The medical terms and information you are sharing make me think you have had a PHD in medical education through Witt! I know you are right that everything in the hospital ENDS on the weekend. My mom was in Baylor for a month and NO one knowledgeable seemed to be there from Friday afternoon until Monday morning, every week! The great thing, again, is that GOD does NOT go on weekend leave, and HE is there with you every minute of the weekend, and HE is the GREAT PHYSICIAN! Witt has so challenged me, and I feel so compelled to pray for him and for you all. Those prayers are being heard and answered, from ALL of us who love Witt and his family, to our God who loves all of you much more than we do, and who is charting this course the whole way.

annalee said...
