Sunday, June 14, 2009


Witt is being admitted to floor 15...the cardiac floor. The fluid around Witt's heart has increased significantly in the last 48 hours. The doctor that has done the previous 2 heart taps was called and he is the admitting doctor. I believe Witt will need the fluid removed tomorrow so his feeds will be held starting at 2am. The doctors can't answer why the fluid is back as of yet especially since last Monday it was totally gone. Once again I pray for God's perfect timing for this procedure. Witt will be under anesthesia and intubated. There is always the concern of how his lungs will handle all of it. I have absolutely no doubt God is in control. He is just as much in control as He was on Monday when there was no fluid. So it is to Christ I turn because I also know that Witt is securely in His arms!


trash talk said...

Karen, I will be praying with you for God's perfect healing and that He will provide the answers the doctors are looking for.

Jess Stevens said...

Praying for Witt, and his loving family. Praise the Lord that He is our Physician!